November 01, 2014 Articles
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- ‘Not medically necessary’: Follow practical considerations for patellofemoral cartilage restoration
- 30th APAO Congress to be held in April in Guangzhou, China
- A 68-year-old woman with right shoulder pain
- A ceratoplastia lamelar crescêntica reduz o astigmatismo na doença periférica da córnea
- A Complex Debate: Treating the Prison Population
- A conversation with Anthony L. Asher, MD, FACS, FAANS
- A Conversation with Gilles Montalescot, MD, PhD
- A Conversation with Ira M. Jacobson, MD
- A LIO única pode ser uma opção para alguns olhos pequenos e com hipermetropia alta
- A mini monovisão reduz a dependência de óculos e a ofuscação após a cirurgia de catarata
- A Question of Appropriateness
- A regressão no volume do corpo coloide prediz a progressão da doença
- A third of soldiers disabled after ACI for lesions in the knee
- AAP panel offers guidance for addressing suspected Ebola cases
- ACS in tibial facture patients linked with doubled costs, length of stay
- Aesculap announces first human implantation of Novocart 3-D
- Akynzeo approved for CINV
- Alternative products available to combat ocular surface disease
- Anti-VEGF therapy for AMD inconsistently managed worldwide in real-life practice
- As aberrações anteriores da córnea causam resultados abaixo do ideal após a EMDK
- ASCO bestows Bonadonna Award
- ASCO updates survivorship care template to improve frequency, ease of use
- Atrofia da retina gera preocupação sobre o tratamento anti-VEGF em longo prazo
- Axis measurement strip applied to slit lamp enables precise measurement of toric IOL position
- Be alert for unusual presentations that may indicate EV-D68
- Carefully approach buying ‘likes’
- Center names division head
- Cirurgiões ponderam sobre os prós e contras das LIOs fixadas na câmara anterior
- Combinación de implantación de LIO adherido con extracción de aceite de silicona en ojos delicados
- Combinar implante de LIO colada com remoção de óleo de silicone em olhos complicados
- Conjunctival lesion occurs in patient with family history of melanoma
- Core to selecting a fellowship should be desire to expand intellectual, surgical skills
- Cost effectiveness study: CTDR QALYs are lower than accepted thresholds
- Cost may be barrier to capitalizing on advantages of femtosecond cataract surgery
- Cultural norms and the changing landscape of surgical practice
- Dados sugerem vínculo entre a probabilidade do surgimento da esclerose múltipla e a uveíte
- Data-based medicine: When data and ‘opinion’ collide
- Day 3 brings focus to updated ATA guidelines, iodine deficiency prevalence
- Debate explores open vs MIS treatment for lytic spondylolisthesis and stenosis
- Debaters address effectiveness claims for lateral transpsoas spine fusion
- Depression correlated with worse ODI scores after lumbar surgery: N2QOD study
- Device dilemma: How to code new technology in spine surgery
- Doing well on the gel: Declining testosterone levels on treatment pose challenge
- Ebola in US triggers travel screening, advanced protocols for HCWs
- Efforts intensify to ensure accessibility, sustainability of HSCT
- EFORT BAT Programme: Successful model for continued training
- El estudio LUCAS muestra que las anti-VEGF igualan a la terapia inject-and-extend
- El láser de femtosegundo es efectivo para el astigmatismo de origen natural
- El procedimiento CLASS, combinado con facoemulsificación, reduce la PIO
- El stent ab interno de colágeno mejora el drenaje al espacio subconjuntival
- EMR: A reflection
- ESCRS: No hay diferencia en los resultados de calidad de femto y facoemulsificación
- ESCRS: Sem diferença nos resultados de femto e faco em relação à qualidade
- Estudio MEAD: El implante de corticosteroide mejora la BCVA en 3 años en ojos con EMD
- Estudo LUCAS mostra igualdade do anti-VEGF após regime de injetar e estender
- Estudo MEAD: Implante de corticosteroide melhora a BCVA aos 3 anos em olhos com EMD
- Estudo real fornece dados para o tratamento anti-VEGF na OVR
- European Arthroplasty Register Network EAR-N
- Experts agree on need to standardize testing for contact lens products
- FDA approves contact force-sensing ablation catheter
- FDA Approves Sofosbuvir, Ledipasvir Combination
- Femoral valgus angle may better determine knee prosthesis positioning
- Femtosecond laser eases surgery involving brunescent cataract with known zonular weakness
- For those looking for a real challenge
- Gastrocnemius proximal release effective for chronic plantar fasciitis in initial results
- Going ‘back to basics’ effective for most cases of blepharitis
- Google search data could improve real-time flu monitoring
- Grant Awarded to Study HCV Among Young Adults in Southern Ohio
- Guideline strongly recommends hydroxyurea, transfusion therapy for sickle cell disease
- HCV Tested in Space
- HCV/HIV Coinfection: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
- HEAT-PPCI and Its Impact on One Clinical Practice in the UK
- Image-guided femtosecond laser technique enables precise capsulorrhexis enlargement
- Improve productivity, efficiency using a physician extender in the clinical environment
- Increased rates of obesity in Europe lead to difficulties in delivering orthopaedic care
- International panel adopts consensus nomenclature for OCT imaging
- Is 99% success considered a failure?
- It’s not Ebola, but it’s also out of control
- La atrofia retinal causa preocupación acerca del tratamiento anti-VEGF a largo plazo
- La mini-monovisión reduce la dependencia a los anteojos y el resplandor luego de la cirugía de cataratas
- La regresin en el volumen de drusas predice la progresin de la enfermedad
- Las aberraciones de la córnea anterior dan resultados insuficientes después de DMEK
- Laser de femtosegundo eficaz para o astigmatismo de ocorrência natural
- Lung cancer clinical trials routinely exclude cancer survivors
- Maitenaz: Engineer, academician
- Managing the threat of untreatable gonorrhea
- Mark Paterson Travelling Fellowship 2015
- More innovation needed to deliver anti-VEGF treatment to AMD patients
- Multifocal toric IOL alone yields better spectacle independence
- My experience at the LOEC in Prague: So much to gain in just 2 days
- Nasolacrimal duct obstruction a common condition in children
- New curvilinear scars on the legs
- New Data Abound at Highly Anticipated Cardiology Congresses
- New developments in vaccination for patients aged 65 years and older
- New guidelines for thyroid nodules, differentiated thyroid cancer expected in 2015
- New HCV Guidance: How to Monitor Patients at Various Stages of Treatment
- New report finds risk of optometrist shortage
- No Stent Left Behind
- Nomogram predicts prognosis, guides follow-up plans in patients with medullary thyroid cancer
- Novel treatment strategy needed for patients at high risk for metastatic disease recurrence
- Nurses’ association names president-elect
- O oftalmoscópio para telefone pode ser uma ferramenta eficaz e de baixo custo para a retinopatia diabética
- OTE200: Joint replacement registers
- Ozurdex oferece melhores resultados anatômicos e acuidade visual similar em comparação ao anti-VEGF
- Ozurdex ofrece mejores resultados anatómicos, similar agudeza visual contra anti-VEGF
- Painless thyroiditis syndrome associated with PD-1 treatment in patients with cancer
- Palestrante considera os enxertos córneos ideais para a correção da presbiopia
- Patient compliance a barrier to reducing risk of contact lens-associated infections
- Patient presents with acute unilateral dark spot in vision
- Pearl necklace sign not an uncommon OCT manifestation of macular edema
- Pioneer: Augusto Sarmiento, MD
- Practical application of biologics: Part 2
- Practice in Focus: Large, single-specialty practice offers freedom to endocrinologists
- Presenter tells physician employers to expect ACA to impact insurance costs
- Prison Breakthrough
- Procedimento combinado de faco e CLASS reduz a PIO
- Protocols, techniques may help overcome effects of surgeon volume on THA outcomes
- Rare finger injuries are common among climbers
- Rate of Descemet’s membrane detachment after canaloplasty may be higher than expected
- Research focuses on need for universal eye health coverage
- Researchers find spine fusion is a realistic option for HIV-positive patients
- Rising threat of resistance highlights need for antimicrobial stewardship
- Safety assessment of short-stem THR, newer implant designs is at issue
- Scaffold technique simplifies IOL exchange
- Scleral-sutured posterior chamber IOL fixation technique maximizes intraoperative centration
- Stent de colágeno ab interno melhora a drenagem para o espaço subconjuntival
- Study links age, gender, OA with higher risk for MoM THA revision
- Study shows iodine-supported instruments helped reduce spinal SSI risk
- Study: Fibronectin-aggrecan complex may predict lumbar steroid injection results
- Study: More evidence needed for CT-guided transforaminal steroid injections
- Study: Radiological follow-up not useful for proximal humerus fractures in adolescents
- Surgeons remain divided on how to treat vertebral compression fractures
- Surgical treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis requires focus on sagittal plane
- Survival benefit found with RAI, all sizes of papillary thyroid carcinoma tumors
- Telemedicine shows significant potential in ID, other specialty care
- The Ebola epidemic: A costly and preventable global health security and humanitarian crisis
- The Increasing Role of Methadone Clinics for HCV Treatment, Education
- The Take Home: ESC
- The Take Home: TCT
- Third-world countries need all levels of eye care services
- Time spent outdoors associated with increased risk for exfoliation syndrome
- To cement or not to cement: That is the question
- Twenty-five hallmarks to evaluate practice success
- Type III AC joint separation: Continued controversy and a unique technique
- Un estudio real proporciona datos para el tratamiento anti-VEGF en OVR
- Un solo LIO podría ser la opción en algunos ojos pequeños con alta hipermetropía
- Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty can be converted to a patient’s advantage
- United Kingdom embraces new paradigm of patient-oriented research
- Upcoming EFORT Congress in Prague: Zoom on 3 Scientific Sessions
- Update on FORTE activities: FORTE Young Orthopaedic Surgeons Summit 2015
- Update on meniscal repair highlights need for re-evaluation of outcomes
- What is anorexia nervosa?
- What’s in a dose? Perhaps not what you think
- When should you not do surgery?
- When treating uveitis with steroids, safety profile must be weighed against efficacy
- Woman presents with acute onset monocular visual distortion
- Workshop participants take steps to address MK
- World Transplant Congress 2014