
November 01, 2014 Articles

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  1. ‘Not medically necessary’: Follow practical considerations for patellofemoral cartilage restoration
  2. 30th APAO Congress to be held in April in Guangzhou, China
  3. A 68-year-old woman with right shoulder pain
  4. A ceratoplastia lamelar crescêntica reduz o astigmatismo na doença periférica da córnea
  5. A Complex Debate: Treating the Prison Population
  6. A conversation with Anthony L. Asher, MD, FACS, FAANS
  7. A Conversation with Gilles Montalescot, MD, PhD
  8. A Conversation with Ira M. Jacobson, MD
  9. A LIO única pode ser uma opção para alguns olhos pequenos e com hipermetropia alta
  10. A mini monovisão reduz a dependência de óculos e a ofuscação após a cirurgia de catarata
  11. A Question of Appropriateness
  12. A regressão no volume do corpo coloide prediz a progressão da doença
  13. A third of soldiers disabled after ACI for lesions in the knee
  14. AAP panel offers guidance for addressing suspected Ebola cases
  15. ACS in tibial facture patients linked with doubled costs, length of stay
  16. Aesculap announces first human implantation of Novocart 3-D
  17. Akynzeo approved for CINV
  18. Alternative products available to combat ocular surface disease
  19. Anti-VEGF therapy for AMD inconsistently managed worldwide in real-life practice
  20. As aberrações anteriores da córnea causam resultados abaixo do ideal após a EMDK
  21. ASCO bestows Bonadonna Award
  22. ASCO updates survivorship care template to improve frequency, ease of use
  23. Atrofia da retina gera preocupação sobre o tratamento anti-VEGF em longo prazo
  24. Axis measurement strip applied to slit lamp enables precise measurement of toric IOL position
  25. Be alert for unusual presentations that may indicate EV-D68
  26. Carefully approach buying ‘likes’
  27. Center names division head
  28. Cirurgiões ponderam sobre os prós e contras das LIOs fixadas na câmara anterior
  29. Combinación de implantación de LIO adherido con extracción de aceite de silicona en ojos delicados
  30. Combinar implante de LIO colada com remoção de óleo de silicone em olhos complicados
  31. Conjunctival lesion occurs in patient with family history of melanoma
  32. Core to selecting a fellowship should be desire to expand intellectual, surgical skills
  33. Cost effectiveness study: CTDR QALYs are lower than accepted thresholds
  34. Cost may be barrier to capitalizing on advantages of femtosecond cataract surgery
  35. Cultural norms and the changing landscape of surgical practice
  36. Dados sugerem vínculo entre a probabilidade do surgimento da esclerose múltipla e a uveíte
  37. Data-based medicine: When data and ‘opinion’ collide
  38. Day 3 brings focus to updated ATA guidelines, iodine deficiency prevalence
  39. Debate explores open vs MIS treatment for lytic spondylolisthesis and stenosis
  40. Debaters address effectiveness claims for lateral transpsoas spine fusion
  41. Depression correlated with worse ODI scores after lumbar surgery: N2QOD study
  42. Device dilemma: How to code new technology in spine surgery
  43. Doing well on the gel: Declining testosterone levels on treatment pose challenge
  44. Ebola in US triggers travel screening, advanced protocols for HCWs
  45. Efforts intensify to ensure accessibility, sustainability of HSCT
  46. EFORT BAT Programme: Successful model for continued training
  47. El estudio LUCAS muestra que las anti-VEGF igualan a la terapia inject-and-extend
  48. El láser de femtosegundo es efectivo para el astigmatismo de origen natural
  49. El procedimiento CLASS, combinado con facoemulsificación, reduce la PIO
  50. El stent ab interno de colágeno mejora el drenaje al espacio subconjuntival
  51. EMR: A reflection
  52. ESCRS: No hay diferencia en los resultados de calidad de femto y facoemulsificación
  53. ESCRS: Sem diferença nos resultados de femto e faco em relação à qualidade
  54. Estudio MEAD: El implante de corticosteroide mejora la BCVA en 3 años en ojos con EMD
  55. Estudo LUCAS mostra igualdade do anti-VEGF após regime de injetar e estender
  56. Estudo MEAD: Implante de corticosteroide melhora a BCVA aos 3 anos em olhos com EMD
  57. Estudo real fornece dados para o tratamento anti-VEGF na OVR
  58. European Arthroplasty Register Network EAR-N
  59. Experts agree on need to standardize testing for contact lens products
  60. FDA approves contact force-sensing ablation catheter
  61. FDA Approves Sofosbuvir, Ledipasvir Combination
  62. Femoral valgus angle may better determine knee prosthesis positioning
  63. Femtosecond laser eases surgery involving brunescent cataract with known zonular weakness
  64. For those looking for a real challenge
  65. Gastrocnemius proximal release effective for chronic plantar fasciitis in initial results
  66. Going ‘back to basics’ effective for most cases of blepharitis
  67. Google search data could improve real-time flu monitoring
  68. Grant Awarded to Study HCV Among Young Adults in Southern Ohio
  69. Guideline strongly recommends hydroxyurea, transfusion therapy for sickle cell disease
  70. HCV Tested in Space
  71. HCV/HIV Coinfection: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
  72. HEAT-PPCI and Its Impact on One Clinical Practice in the UK
  73. Image-guided femtosecond laser technique enables precise capsulorrhexis enlargement
  74. Improve productivity, efficiency using a physician extender in the clinical environment
  75. Increased rates of obesity in Europe lead to difficulties in delivering orthopaedic care
  76. International panel adopts consensus nomenclature for OCT imaging
  77. Is 99% success considered a failure?
  78. It’s not Ebola, but it’s also out of control
  79. La atrofia retinal causa preocupación acerca del tratamiento anti-VEGF a largo plazo
  80. La mini-monovisión reduce la dependencia a los anteojos y el resplandor luego de la cirugía de cataratas
  81. La regresin en el volumen de drusas predice la progresin de la enfermedad
  82. Las aberraciones de la córnea anterior dan resultados insuficientes después de DMEK
  83. Laser de femtosegundo eficaz para o astigmatismo de ocorrência natural
  84. Lung cancer clinical trials routinely exclude cancer survivors
  85. Maitenaz: Engineer, academician
  86. Managing the threat of untreatable gonorrhea
  87. Mark Paterson Travelling Fellowship 2015
  88. More innovation needed to deliver anti-VEGF treatment to AMD patients
  89. Multifocal toric IOL alone yields better spectacle independence
  90. My experience at the LOEC in Prague: So much to gain in just 2 days
  91. Nasolacrimal duct obstruction a common condition in children
  92. New curvilinear scars on the legs
  93. New Data Abound at Highly Anticipated Cardiology Congresses
  94. New developments in vaccination for patients aged 65 years and older
  95. New guidelines for thyroid nodules, differentiated thyroid cancer expected in 2015
  96. New HCV Guidance: How to Monitor Patients at Various Stages of Treatment
  97. New report finds risk of optometrist shortage
  98. No Stent Left Behind
  99. Nomogram predicts prognosis, guides follow-up plans in patients with medullary thyroid cancer
  100. Novel treatment strategy needed for patients at high risk for metastatic disease recurrence
  101. Nurses’ association names president-elect
  102. O oftalmoscópio para telefone pode ser uma ferramenta eficaz e de baixo custo para a retinopatia diabética
  103. OTE200: Joint replacement registers
  104. Ozurdex oferece melhores resultados anatômicos e acuidade visual similar em comparação ao anti-VEGF
  105. Ozurdex ofrece mejores resultados anatómicos, similar agudeza visual contra anti-VEGF
  106. Painless thyroiditis syndrome associated with PD-1 treatment in patients with cancer
  107. Palestrante considera os enxertos córneos ideais para a correção da presbiopia
  108. Patient compliance a barrier to reducing risk of contact lens-associated infections
  109. Patient presents with acute unilateral dark spot in vision
  110. Pearl necklace sign not an uncommon OCT manifestation of macular edema
  111. Pioneer: Augusto Sarmiento, MD
  112. Practical application of biologics: Part 2
  113. Practice in Focus: Large, single-specialty practice offers freedom to endocrinologists
  114. Presenter tells physician employers to expect ACA to impact insurance costs
  115. Prison Breakthrough
  116. Procedimento combinado de faco e CLASS reduz a PIO
  117. Protocols, techniques may help overcome effects of surgeon volume on THA outcomes
  118. Rare finger injuries are common among climbers
  119. Rate of Descemet’s membrane detachment after canaloplasty may be higher than expected
  120. Research focuses on need for universal eye health coverage
  121. Researchers find spine fusion is a realistic option for HIV-positive patients
  122. Rising threat of resistance highlights need for antimicrobial stewardship
  123. Safety assessment of short-stem THR, newer implant designs is at issue
  124. Scaffold technique simplifies IOL exchange
  125. Scleral-sutured posterior chamber IOL fixation technique maximizes intraoperative centration
  126. Stent de colágeno ab interno melhora a drenagem para o espaço subconjuntival
  127. Study links age, gender, OA with higher risk for MoM THA revision
  128. Study shows iodine-supported instruments helped reduce spinal SSI risk
  129. Study: Fibronectin-aggrecan complex may predict lumbar steroid injection results
  130. Study: More evidence needed for CT-guided transforaminal steroid injections
  131. Study: Radiological follow-up not useful for proximal humerus fractures in adolescents
  132. Surgeons remain divided on how to treat vertebral compression fractures
  133. Surgical treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis requires focus on sagittal plane
  134. Survival benefit found with RAI, all sizes of papillary thyroid carcinoma tumors
  135. Telemedicine shows significant potential in ID, other specialty care
  136. The Ebola epidemic: A costly and preventable global health security and humanitarian crisis
  137. The Increasing Role of Methadone Clinics for HCV Treatment, Education
  138. The Take Home: ESC
  139. The Take Home: TCT
  140. Third-world countries need all levels of eye care services
  141. Time spent outdoors associated with increased risk for exfoliation syndrome
  142. To cement or not to cement: That is the question
  143. Twenty-five hallmarks to evaluate practice success
  144. Type III AC joint separation: Continued controversy and a unique technique
  145. Un estudio real proporciona datos para el tratamiento anti-VEGF en OVR
  146. Un solo LIO podría ser la opción en algunos ojos pequeños con alta hipermetropía
  147. Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty can be converted to a patient’s advantage
  148. United Kingdom embraces new paradigm of patient-oriented research
  149. Upcoming EFORT Congress in Prague: Zoom on 3 Scientific Sessions
  150. Update on FORTE activities: FORTE Young Orthopaedic Surgeons Summit 2015
  151. Update on meniscal repair highlights need for re-evaluation of outcomes
  152. What is anorexia nervosa?
  153. What’s in a dose? Perhaps not what you think
  154. When should you not do surgery?
  155. When treating uveitis with steroids, safety profile must be weighed against efficacy
  156. Woman presents with acute onset monocular visual distortion
  157. Workshop participants take steps to address MK
  158. World Transplant Congress 2014