
July 01, 2013 Articles

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  1. A Conversation with Stephen G. Ellis, MD
  2. A 33-year-old baseball pitcher with elbow pain
  3. A 43-year-old man with APL develops renal failure
  4. A Closer Look at Radial Access Data: Important Questions Remain
  5. AACR inaugurates new leadership
  6. ACIP: Second dose of Tdap not recommended
  7. Additional research needed of post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome
  8. Adjustable telescope provides wide field, flexibility for low vision patients
  9. Age disparities found across HIV continuum of care
  10. Antipyretics and analgesics: Explaining their role in immunization
  11. AOA president calls for ‘all hands on deck’ in new era of health care
  12. Apixaban appears as effective as conventional therapy for acute VTE
  13. AREDS2 OCT study shows hyperreflective foci as markers for AMD progression
  14. AREDS2 provides answers – and more questions
  15. AREDS2: Lutein, zeaxanthin show beneficial effect for advanced AMD
  16. Association awards research fellowships
  17. ASTRO to present three gold medals
  18. Availability of care for adults with sickle cell disease
  19. B+L reports positive study results for solution, lenses
  20. Baseline glycemic state influences exercise-induced glycemic control
  22. BLOG: Are you spending too much or too little on marketing? Part 6
  23. Budget cuts and the importance of continued innovation
  24. Careful use of automation platforms can help increase your online presence
  25. CLAY study team develops effective contact lens risk assessment survey
  26. Clinicians call for reforms to slow ‘unsustainable’ rise in drug costs
  27. CMS proposes 12% cut to ESRD bundle
  28. Collagenase injection for Dupuytren’s not cure-all or replacement for surgery
  29. Combination of treatments may be most effective for MGD
  30. CONFIRM Registry
  31. Conventional wisdom of influenza A; 
a historical perspective
  32. Core principles can help patients make informed decisions with confidence
  33. Corneal topographic astigmatism corresponds to manifest refractive cylinder
  34. CRE deemed ‘nightmare’ bacteria by CDC
  35. Crescentic DALK combined with PK treats pellucid marginal degeneration
  36. Data shed light on vildagliptin in diabetes, heart failure
  37. DESolve NX
  38. DIABAMON: Risk for death, CV events now lower with diabetes medication
  39. Dois anti-VEGFs não demonstram diferença em acuidade visual aos 2 anos, declara autor da CATT
  40. Dos anti-VEGF no demuestran diferencia en agudeza visual 2 años después, dice autor de CATT
  41. EFORT 2013 in Istanbul: A look back
  42. EFORT Awards 2013 in Istanbul
  43. EFORT e-Science: More than 700 sessions from the 2013 Istanbul congress available now, free of charge
  44. EFORT Trauma Task Force - programme of online multinational trauma surveys
  45. EFORTnet
  46. Elevated thyroid hormone levels, hypoechoic mass found in middle-aged woman
  47. Enoxaparin in Primary PCI: Insights from the ATOLL Trial
  48. Estudio ARMOR muestra que la multiresistencia sigue siendo un desafío
  49. Estudio encuentra a la refracción manifiesta más precisa para LASIK que el frente de ondas
  50. Estudo do ARMOR mostra que a resistência multimedicamentosa continua a ser um desafio
  51. Experts discuss urgent need for strategies, opportunities to improve HF care
  52. FA remains gold standard for detecting new-onset CNV
  53. Faco-trab e faco-AIT produzem resultados similares aos 2 anos
  54. Facotrabeculectomía y facoemulsificación-AIT rinden resultados similares en hasta 2 años
  55. False FIT results common with small, nonpolypoid colorectal adenomas, early cancer
  56. Fijación escleral: Una opción para LIOs tóricos de una pieza
  57. First Dual-Therapy Stent Nets CE Mark
  58. First-in-Man Research on Endovascular Device Initiated as Part of FDA Program
  59. Fixação escleral como opção para LIOs tóricas de peça única
  60. Foreign body
  61. Future of primary care: Part 2
  62. Generic glaucoma medications gaining success in France, but concerns remain
  63. Gradual loss of vision associated with bilateral anterior stromal opacities
  64. Healio Minute Monday, July 1, 2013 Edition: Alzheimer’s patch indications expanded, vaccination risk put to rest, carpal tunnel surgery rehab doubted
  65. Health officials develop plan to contain MERS
  66. Health-related QOL poorer during early HCV treatment with addition of telaprevir
  67. Heidelberg Engineering GmbH establishes presence in Australia
  68. High HCV transmission rates among MSM found early in HIV epidemic
  69. High trichloramine levels increased airway hyper-reactivity risk
  70. Increased alpha angle in young hockey players associated with incidence of cam-type FAI
  71. Institute names associate director
  72. Intraoperative use of intraocular pharmaceuticals may improve cataract surgery outcomes
  73. Is high-level evidence always warranted or possible?
  74. Jetrea now available in Denmark and Sweden
  75. La luteína/zeaxantina pueden no reducir significativamente la tasa de cataratas
  76. La prevalencia de DMRE en Colombia aumenta considerablemente con la edad
  77. Las lesiones físicas en los ojos constituyen una amenaza de daños graves
  78. Lesões físicas no olho representam ameaça de danos graves
  79. Los resultados del GALILEO muestran que el incremento de la agudeza visual disminuía con controles menos frecuentes
  80. Low vitamin D levels linked to early signs of kidney disease
  81. Luteína/zeaxantina podem não reduzir significativamente a taxa de catarata
  82. Management of astigmatism calls for complex strategies for best results
  83. Management of astigmatism calls for complex strategies for best results
  84. Maraviroc shows promise in HIV-infected children
  85. Maraviroc shows promise in HIV-infected children
  86. Memorial celebration to commemorate life, work of Lorenz E. Zimmerman, MD
  87. Micro-stents progressively defining their role in glaucoma management
  88. MIGS procedures a game changer in glaucoma treatment
  89. Modern treatment strategies effective for congenital and irregular astigmatism
  90. Na Colômbia, a prevalência de DMRI aumenta consideravelmente com a idade
  91. NCI committee appoints chairman
  92. Necrotizing enterocolitis rate increased in Sweden
  93. New OrthoMind app unshackles surgeons from stationary computers
  94. New post-LASIK shield allows for immediate visual function
  95. New sulcus-implanted IOL provides true accommodation in presbyopic eyes
  96. New, novel treatment of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  97. NEWTON: Aflibercept injection for previously treated macular edema associated with central retinal vein occlusions
  98. No endophthalmitis seen in case series of ‘no-drop’ cataract surgery
  99. Nonmelanoma skin cancer history may increase risk for other malignancies
  100. OCT essential to glaucoma work-up
  101. OHTS: Do not lower IOP merely to prevent vein occlusion
  102. Optometrists must prepare to be leaders as well as doctors
  103. OSN Retina 150 Survey
  104. OSNE 300 Survey
  105. OTE200: Patient-specific treatments
  106. Panel discusses the emerging techniques and current controversies in hip dysplasia
  107. Pearle Vision’s shift to eye health a good move
  108. Periprocedural bleeding linked to contrast-induced kidney injury
  109. Persistent red rash near mouth of 6-year-old female
  110. Pesquisa descobre que a acuidade da refração manifesta para LASIK é maior que a da frente de onda
  111. Phakic IOL may be unsuitable for cylinder correction due to rotation
  112. Physician duty to report danger: The case of Tatiana Tarasoff
  113. Pivotal strategies in smallpox eradication
  114. Plan para la eliminación de la oncocercosis casi completo en América
  115. Planning tool gives voice to young patients with life-limiting diagnoses
  116. Plano de eliminação da oncocercose quase concluído nas Américas
  117. Potential role of flu vaccines, respiratory illness unknown
  118. PrEP effective in injection drug users
  119. Prepare to treat more obese patients in the future
  120. Preretinal lesions present after intravitreal antibiotics for suspected endophthalmitis
  121. Presbyopic IOLs can have positive impact on practice profitability
  122. Quality improvement initiatives required to reduce repeat lipid testing
  123. Quantel launches new UBM
  124. RA patients help develop future Internet tool to support physical activity
  125. Reading speed in patients with retinal vein occlusion improves after anti-VEGF treatment
  126. Recomendadas alterações na fórmula do AREDS
  127. Recruitment announced for plaque psoriasis clinical trials
  128. REMIT
  129. Repair technique restores the MPFL as a lateral displacement restraint
  130. Researcher receives immunology prize
  131. Researchers find 17% rotator cuff re-tear rate with predictive equation
  132. Resultados del GEFAL apoyan los hallazgos de la CATT
  133. Resultados do GALILEO mostram que os ganhos em acuidade visual diminuem com a menor frequência de monitoramento
  134. Resultados do GEFAL suportam as descobertas da CATT
  135. Resurrecting rosiglitazone: FDA panel recommendation could affect its use
  136. Revolutionary strategies lead to success of correcting astigmatism
  137. Routine vena cava filters inappropriate for VTE prophylaxis in bariatric surgery patients
  138. Routine, rapid HIV jail screening effective
  139. Safety First: Ionizing Radiation in the Cardiac Cath Lab
  140. Se recomiendan alteraciones en la fórmula del AREDS
  141. Short povidone-iodine contact time adequate before intravitreal injection
  142. SICS manual vista como um ponto de partida mais seguro para cirurgiões de catarata nos países em desenvolvimento
  143. SICSs manuales son consideradas un punto de inicio más seguro para cirujanos de cataratas en países emergentes
  144. STAAR gains marketing approval for Visian ICLs in Argentina, Korea
  145. Stressors, mild traumatic brain injury may compound delayed PTSD
  146. Study highlights important factors that explain why partial knee arthroplasties fail
  147. Study supports direct infusion of antibiotics for single-stage TKA revision
  148. Succeeding at Failure
  149. Sunshine Act ushers in new era of physician–industry transparency
  150. Sunshine Act ushers in new era of physician–industry transparency
  151. Supreme Court ruling on gene patents viewed as ‘victory for medicine’
  152. Team physician conflict: Balancing responsibilities to the patient and team
  153. Team physicians must balance conflict of interest
  154. Teenager has blurry vision in one eye since birth
  155. THA leads to increased physical activity levels regardless of age or gender
  156. Thank you for making us better, Douglas W. Jackson, MD
  157. The importance of medicine reconciliation
  158. The Take Home: EuroPCR
  159. The Take Home: SCAI Scientific Sessions
  160. Thomas M. Bashore, MD: A leader in fellows' education
  161. Thorough case history crucial when prescribing orals
  162. Three-step approach improves high myopic astigmatism, keratoconus progression
  163. Titan Spine appoints new members to advisory team
  164. Today’s contact lens dropout rate similar to 1990s
  165. Toric options benefit patients, surgeons
  166. Travel medicine: Recommendations for 
specific at-risk travelers
  167. Tumor p16 status may predict response to panitumumab 
plus chemotherapy in metastatic SCCHN
  168. Two new therapies offer options for treatment of HER-2–positive breast cancer
  169. Underlying spine pathology seen on imaging affects nonoperative LBP care
  170. Update on new developmental screening 
systems for special populations
  171. UTI symptoms often improved for women 
who delayed antibiotics
  172. Visiometrics launches HD Analyzer in Europe
  173. Vision performance services offer new area of expansion for ophthalmic practices
  174. VIVIDD
  175. WEARIT-II
  176. What every eye doctor should know about collagen cross-linking
  177. White, teenage girls hospitalized more often for chronic pain
  178. WHO: Earlier ART could prevent 3 million HIV deaths
  179. WHO: Earlier ART could prevent 3 million HIV deaths
  180. Younger patients self-report better function after total knee replacement