July 01, 2013 Articles
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- A Conversation with Stephen G. Ellis, MD
- A 33-year-old baseball pitcher with elbow pain
- A 43-year-old man with APL develops renal failure
- A Closer Look at Radial Access Data: Important Questions Remain
- AACR inaugurates new leadership
- ACIP: Second dose of Tdap not recommended
- Additional research needed of post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome
- Adjustable telescope provides wide field, flexibility for low vision patients
- Age disparities found across HIV continuum of care
- Antipyretics and analgesics: Explaining their role in immunization
- AOA president calls for ‘all hands on deck’ in new era of health care
- Apixaban appears as effective as conventional therapy for acute VTE
- AREDS2 OCT study shows hyperreflective foci as markers for AMD progression
- AREDS2 provides answers – and more questions
- AREDS2: Lutein, zeaxanthin show beneficial effect for advanced AMD
- Association awards research fellowships
- ASTRO to present three gold medals
- Availability of care for adults with sickle cell disease
- B+L reports positive study results for solution, lenses
- Baseline glycemic state influences exercise-induced glycemic control
- BLOG: Are you spending too much or too little on marketing? Part 6
- Budget cuts and the importance of continued innovation
- Careful use of automation platforms can help increase your online presence
- CLAY study team develops effective contact lens risk assessment survey
- Clinicians call for reforms to slow ‘unsustainable’ rise in drug costs
- CMS proposes 12% cut to ESRD bundle
- Collagenase injection for Dupuytren’s not cure-all or replacement for surgery
- Combination of treatments may be most effective for MGD
- CONFIRM Registry
- Conventional wisdom of influenza A; a historical perspective
- Core principles can help patients make informed decisions with confidence
- Corneal topographic astigmatism corresponds to manifest refractive cylinder
- CRE deemed ‘nightmare’ bacteria by CDC
- Crescentic DALK combined with PK treats pellucid marginal degeneration
- Data shed light on vildagliptin in diabetes, heart failure
- DESolve NX
- DIABAMON: Risk for death, CV events now lower with diabetes medication
- Dois anti-VEGFs não demonstram diferença em acuidade visual aos 2 anos, declara autor da CATT
- Dos anti-VEGF no demuestran diferencia en agudeza visual 2 años después, dice autor de CATT
- EFORT 2013 in Istanbul: A look back
- EFORT Awards 2013 in Istanbul
- EFORT e-Science: More than 700 sessions from the 2013 Istanbul congress available now, free of charge
- EFORT Trauma Task Force - programme of online multinational trauma surveys
- EFORTnet
- Elevated thyroid hormone levels, hypoechoic mass found in middle-aged woman
- Enoxaparin in Primary PCI: Insights from the ATOLL Trial
- Estudio ARMOR muestra que la multiresistencia sigue siendo un desafío
- Estudio encuentra a la refracción manifiesta más precisa para LASIK que el frente de ondas
- Estudo do ARMOR mostra que a resistência multimedicamentosa continua a ser um desafio
- Experts discuss urgent need for strategies, opportunities to improve HF care
- FA remains gold standard for detecting new-onset CNV
- Faco-trab e faco-AIT produzem resultados similares aos 2 anos
- Facotrabeculectomía y facoemulsificación-AIT rinden resultados similares en hasta 2 años
- False FIT results common with small, nonpolypoid colorectal adenomas, early cancer
- Fijación escleral: Una opción para LIOs tóricos de una pieza
- First Dual-Therapy Stent Nets CE Mark
- First-in-Man Research on Endovascular Device Initiated as Part of FDA Program
- Fixação escleral como opção para LIOs tóricas de peça única
- Foreign body
- Future of primary care: Part 2
- Generic glaucoma medications gaining success in France, but concerns remain
- Gradual loss of vision associated with bilateral anterior stromal opacities
- Healio Minute Monday, July 1, 2013 Edition: Alzheimer’s patch indications expanded, vaccination risk put to rest, carpal tunnel surgery rehab doubted
- Health officials develop plan to contain MERS
- Health-related QOL poorer during early HCV treatment with addition of telaprevir
- Heidelberg Engineering GmbH establishes presence in Australia
- High HCV transmission rates among MSM found early in HIV epidemic
- High trichloramine levels increased airway hyper-reactivity risk
- Increased alpha angle in young hockey players associated with incidence of cam-type FAI
- Institute names associate director
- Intraoperative use of intraocular pharmaceuticals may improve cataract surgery outcomes
- Is high-level evidence always warranted or possible?
- Jetrea now available in Denmark and Sweden
- La luteína/zeaxantina pueden no reducir significativamente la tasa de cataratas
- La prevalencia de DMRE en Colombia aumenta considerablemente con la edad
- Las lesiones físicas en los ojos constituyen una amenaza de daños graves
- Lesões físicas no olho representam ameaça de danos graves
- Los resultados del GALILEO muestran que el incremento de la agudeza visual disminuía con controles menos frecuentes
- Low vitamin D levels linked to early signs of kidney disease
- Luteína/zeaxantina podem não reduzir significativamente a taxa de catarata
- Management of astigmatism calls for complex strategies for best results
- Management of astigmatism calls for complex strategies for best results
- Maraviroc shows promise in HIV-infected children
- Maraviroc shows promise in HIV-infected children
- Memorial celebration to commemorate life, work of Lorenz E. Zimmerman, MD
- Micro-stents progressively defining their role in glaucoma management
- MIGS procedures a game changer in glaucoma treatment
- Modern treatment strategies effective for congenital and irregular astigmatism
- Na Colômbia, a prevalência de DMRI aumenta consideravelmente com a idade
- NCI committee appoints chairman
- Necrotizing enterocolitis rate increased in Sweden
- New OrthoMind app unshackles surgeons from stationary computers
- New post-LASIK shield allows for immediate visual function
- New sulcus-implanted IOL provides true accommodation in presbyopic eyes
- New, novel treatment of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis
- NEWTON: Aflibercept injection for previously treated macular edema associated with central retinal vein occlusions
- No endophthalmitis seen in case series of ‘no-drop’ cataract surgery
- Nonmelanoma skin cancer history may increase risk for other malignancies
- OCT essential to glaucoma work-up
- OHTS: Do not lower IOP merely to prevent vein occlusion
- Optometrists must prepare to be leaders as well as doctors
- OSN Retina 150 Survey
- OSNE 300 Survey
- OTE200: Patient-specific treatments
- Panel discusses the emerging techniques and current controversies in hip dysplasia
- Pearle Vision’s shift to eye health a good move
- Periprocedural bleeding linked to contrast-induced kidney injury
- Persistent red rash near mouth of 6-year-old female
- Pesquisa descobre que a acuidade da refração manifesta para LASIK é maior que a da frente de onda
- Phakic IOL may be unsuitable for cylinder correction due to rotation
- Physician duty to report danger: The case of Tatiana Tarasoff
- Pivotal strategies in smallpox eradication
- Plan para la eliminación de la oncocercosis casi completo en América
- Planning tool gives voice to young patients with life-limiting diagnoses
- Plano de eliminação da oncocercose quase concluído nas Américas
- Potential role of flu vaccines, respiratory illness unknown
- PrEP effective in injection drug users
- Prepare to treat more obese patients in the future
- Preretinal lesions present after intravitreal antibiotics for suspected endophthalmitis
- Presbyopic IOLs can have positive impact on practice profitability
- Quality improvement initiatives required to reduce repeat lipid testing
- Quantel launches new UBM
- RA patients help develop future Internet tool to support physical activity
- Reading speed in patients with retinal vein occlusion improves after anti-VEGF treatment
- Recomendadas alterações na fórmula do AREDS
- Recruitment announced for plaque psoriasis clinical trials
- Repair technique restores the MPFL as a lateral displacement restraint
- Researcher receives immunology prize
- Researchers find 17% rotator cuff re-tear rate with predictive equation
- Resultados del GEFAL apoyan los hallazgos de la CATT
- Resultados do GALILEO mostram que os ganhos em acuidade visual diminuem com a menor frequência de monitoramento
- Resultados do GEFAL suportam as descobertas da CATT
- Resurrecting rosiglitazone: FDA panel recommendation could affect its use
- Revolutionary strategies lead to success of correcting astigmatism
- Routine vena cava filters inappropriate for VTE prophylaxis in bariatric surgery patients
- Routine, rapid HIV jail screening effective
- Safety First: Ionizing Radiation in the Cardiac Cath Lab
- Se recomiendan alteraciones en la fórmula del AREDS
- Short povidone-iodine contact time adequate before intravitreal injection
- SICS manual vista como um ponto de partida mais seguro para cirurgiões de catarata nos países em desenvolvimento
- SICSs manuales son consideradas un punto de inicio más seguro para cirujanos de cataratas en países emergentes
- STAAR gains marketing approval for Visian ICLs in Argentina, Korea
- Stressors, mild traumatic brain injury may compound delayed PTSD
- Study highlights important factors that explain why partial knee arthroplasties fail
- Study supports direct infusion of antibiotics for single-stage TKA revision
- Succeeding at Failure
- Sunshine Act ushers in new era of physician–industry transparency
- Sunshine Act ushers in new era of physician–industry transparency
- Supreme Court ruling on gene patents viewed as ‘victory for medicine’
- Team physician conflict: Balancing responsibilities to the patient and team
- Team physicians must balance conflict of interest
- Teenager has blurry vision in one eye since birth
- THA leads to increased physical activity levels regardless of age or gender
- Thank you for making us better, Douglas W. Jackson, MD
- The importance of medicine reconciliation
- The Take Home: EuroPCR
- The Take Home: SCAI Scientific Sessions
- Thomas M. Bashore, MD: A leader in fellows' education
- Thorough case history crucial when prescribing orals
- Three-step approach improves high myopic astigmatism, keratoconus progression
- Titan Spine appoints new members to advisory team
- Today’s contact lens dropout rate similar to 1990s
- Toric options benefit patients, surgeons
- Travel medicine: Recommendations for specific at-risk travelers
- Tumor p16 status may predict response to panitumumab plus chemotherapy in metastatic SCCHN
- Two new therapies offer options for treatment of HER-2–positive breast cancer
- Underlying spine pathology seen on imaging affects nonoperative LBP care
- Update on new developmental screening systems for special populations
- UTI symptoms often improved for women who delayed antibiotics
- Visiometrics launches HD Analyzer in Europe
- Vision performance services offer new area of expansion for ophthalmic practices
- What every eye doctor should know about collagen cross-linking
- White, teenage girls hospitalized more often for chronic pain
- WHO: Earlier ART could prevent 3 million HIV deaths
- WHO: Earlier ART could prevent 3 million HIV deaths
- Younger patients self-report better function after total knee replacement