
January 01, 2013 Articles

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  1. 2012: A year of progress
  2. A 12-year-old girl with a warty lesion on her toe
  3. A 59-year-old man with hepatitis B reactivation 
during treatment for Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  4. A Conversation with Paul A. Gurbel, MD
  5. A interligação do colágeno corneano desacelera a progressão do keratocono em crianças
  6. A new chapter in the development of the APAO
  7. A severidade da retinopatia diabética permanece reduzida no 3º ano em estudos RISE e RIDE
  8. ACCOMPLISH BMI Analysis
  9. Adolescent female presents with painful rash on neck, ear
  11. Appropriate Use Criteria: A Tool, Not a Threat
  12. Arthroscopic technique provides effective repair of HAGL lesions
  13. Assess symptoms, knee function to achieve successful revision TKA outcomes
  14. Bancos de olhos ao redor do mundo ampliam os padrões e expandem a missão
  15. BCIS-1
  16. Bone-patellar tendon-bone and hamstring autografts show similar endoscopic ACL reconstruction results
  17. CABG Outperforms PCI in Patients on Dialysis
  18. Cardiology Today Editorial Board member honored for advancements in cardiology
  20. Case study illustrates advantages of advanced phaco technology
  21. CE, employee training are tax deductible
  22. Certos procedimentos faco podem resultar em alta perda de células epiteliais
  23. Cirujano afirma preferencia de los LIOs tóricos por sobre las incisiones limbares relajantes
  24. Cirujanos debaten sobre los implantes de córnea en comparación con la cirugía de láser para corregir la presbicia
  25. Cirurgião diz que as LIOs tóricas são preferíveis às incisões relaxantes no limbo
  26. Cirurgiões debatem os enxertos corneanos em comparação com a cirurgia a laser para correção da presbiopia
  27. Clinicians continue to call for more data on CAP guidelines
  28. Collaboration in academia designed to increase return on research investments
  29. Colon cancer may be a different disease in older patients
  30. Combined chemotherapy and surgery improve post-radiation sarcoma prognosis
  31. Consider patient response variability when assessing MPOD
  32. Court opinion could have far-reaching 
implications for off-label drug promotion
  33. CREATE
  34. Cuba on ‘cutting edge’ of many areas in health care
  35. CV pathologist received 2012 TCT Career Achievement Award
  36. DALK with acellular corneal tissue may reduce graft rejection risk
  37. Determinados procedimientos de facoemulsificación podrían ocasionar una pérdida significativa de células endoteliales
  38. Developer of top apps discusses the risks and roles of medical apps
  39. Diseases we term as ‘emerging’ have likely been around for years
  40. Diseases we term as ‘emerging’ have likely been around for years
  41. Disertante revisa los resultados de un estudio de diversos tratamientos anti-VEGF para DMRE exudativa
  42. Do you perform surgical procedures in an ASC?
  43. Drusen measurement algorithm challenges belief that more drusen increase risk of CNV
  44. Early ART may lower frailty risk in those with HIV
  45. EBOT Exam 2013
  46. EBOT Interim Exam
  47. EFORT invites you to Istanbul in the early summer of 2013
  48. El cross-linking corneal del colágeno retrasa la progresión del queratocono en niños
  49. El mapeo del epitelio de la córnea con OCT podría ayudar a identificar queratocono atípico
  50. El procedimiento de stent microbypass trabecular reduce la PIO y facilita el tratamiento del glaucoma
  51. Eltrombopag maintained efficacy after cessation in immune thrombocytopenia
  52. En face OCT imaging detects severity of IS/OS breaks in type 2 macular telangiectasia
  53. Enxertos corneanos oferecem uma opção segura e reversível para o tratamento da presbiopia
  54. European Parliament ITRE Committee vote paves the way for inclusion of musculoskeletal diseases in the future EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon 2020
  55. Extensive planning necessary for complex cataract surgery
  56. FAME Substudy: FFR-Guided PCI Benefits Women, Men Equally
  57. Farewell to 2012: The year of new drugs and new regulations
  58. FDA Approves S.M.A.R.T. Vascular Stent for Peripheral Indications
  59. FDA expands Zytiga indication
  60. Fibular nail fosters union of unstable fibular fractures
  61. Finding a system that works
  62. First Synergy Stents Implanted in EVOLVE II Trial
  63. Flu season gets an early start
  64. Fornix and limbus flap incisions for glaucoma implant provide comparable efficacy
  65. Fundus lesion targets the central macula
  66. Global life expectancy increased nearly 20% since 1990, despite setbacks
  67. Good early results seen with anti-VEGF refillable port delivery system
  68. Harrington, Wu will direct Stanford Cardiovascular Institute
  69. Healio Minute Tuesday, Jan. 1, 2013 Edition: Talk about off-label, veterans get red tape break, domestic violence ‘synergy’
  70. Hematological disorders can manifest in the
anterior, posterior segment
  71. High flexion TKR device shows more flexion than standard TKR prosthesis
  72. High vitamin D levels linked to low circulating TSH in younger Thai population
  73. High-viscosity OVD helpful in microincision cataract surgery
  74. ISRS survey: LASIK volume continues decade-long decline
  75. Key issues of 2012 may concern orthopaedic surgeons in 2013 and beyond
  76. La disminución del nivel de gravedad de la retinopatía diabética se mantiene luego de 3 años de estudios RISE y RIDE
  77. La OCT de segmento anterior podría ayudar a predecir qué pacientes presentarían una respuesta a los esteroides
  78. Lengthening osteotomy, flexor digitorum longus transfer reliable for flatfoot deformity correction
  79. Limited options left to treat N. gonorrhoeae
  80. Long-Term Survival Comparable Between Endovascular, Open AAA Repair
  81. Los bancos de ojos aumentan los estándares y expanden la misión en todo el mundo
  82. Los implantes de córnea ofrecen una opción reversible y segura para el tratamiento de la presbicia
  83. Low complication rates seen with sequential, bilateral uni knee replacements
  84. Low episodic rate of retrograde ejaculation found after ALIF with rhBMP-2
  85. Man complains of chronic distorted vision in both eyes
  86. Man experiences pain, decreased vision after being hit in face
  87. Managing compromised capsules and weak zonules
  88. Medidas para prevenir complicaciones derivadas de la cirugía de terigión
  89. Melhore sua prática incorporando serviços para desempenho da visão
  90. Mind your etiquette when working with social media marketing
  91. Most patients receptive to fecal microbiota transplant for C. difficile
  92. Neuro-ophthalmic conditions often associated with movement disorders
  93. New agents for AF and stroke prevention: How to position the best drug for the right patient
  94. New Bone & Joint/EFORT Travelling Fellowship - application now open
  95. New Codes for Coronary Interventions Allow Reimbursement for Complex Procedures
  96. New Guidelines Address Diagnosis, Treatment of Stable Ischemic Heart Disease
  97. Newly trained surgeon shares perspective on trabecular micro-bypass system
  98. Novel drug delivery method reduces postoperative bleb needling
  99. Novel method manages dropped nucleus with perfluorocarbon liquid
  100. Novel nanoparticle technology offers potential to halt autoimmune disease
  101. Novo método de medição quantifica o astigmatismo corneano
  102. Nuevo método de medición permite cuantificar el astigmatismo corneal
  103. O mapeamento epitelial corneano com OCT pode ajudar a identificar o keratocono “forme fruste”
  104. OCT do segmento anterior pode ajudar a prever quais pacientes têm resposta aos esteroides
  105. OCT May Detect Procedural Issues Undetected by Angiography
  106. Ocular surface interferometer can assist in dry eye disease treatment
  107. Ocular surface management critical to patient satisfaction
  108. Oculoplastics session to be featured during expanded Hawaiian Eye meeting
  109. OPERA
  110. Ophthalmic innovations affected by FDA, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
  111. Ophthalmologists need to be realistic about economic environment
  112. Ophthalmology experts ponder consequences of health care reform, Medicare fee cuts
  113. Optometrists can play significant role in fall prevention for older adults
  114. OTE200: Technology advancements
  115. OVER
  116. Palestrante analisa resultados de estudo de vários tratamentos anti-VEGF para DMRI úmida
  117. Panel recommends treating ocular surface prior to any refractive procedure
  118. Patients with PCOS who used contraceptives at higher risk for VTE
  119. Phenotypes and codeine toxicity: the hidden dangers
  120. Postoperative urinary tract infection linked to deep infection after hip fracture surgery
  121. Potencie su práctica con la incorporación de servicios para el rendimiento visual
  122. Promote conversation with your patients
to optimize care
  123. Quick detection essential for late-onset endophthalmitis
  124. Remembering an IDC Editorial Board member …
  125. Retained subretinal perfluorocarbon more prevalent with smaller-gauge vitrectomy
  126. Reverse shoulder arthroplasty improves damage from inflammatory arthritis
  127. SGLT2s, insulin among novel agents in the diabetes pipeline
  128. Significant structural relationships found between macular thickness and visual field defects
  129. Smith & Nephew enters into agreement with Healthpoint Biotherapeutics
  130. St. Jude Medical Gains CE Mark for Portico Transcatheter Valve
  131. Stent de microbypass trabecular reduz a PIO e facilita o gerenciamento do glaucoma
  132. Stenting Shows Promise as Stroke Treatment
  133. Study finds visual acuity improves immediately
after Opti-K
  134. Study of human central nervous system stem cells in age-related macular degeneration
  135. Study questions inflammation as a component of trochanteric bursitis
  136. Study shows need for more accurate depictions of glaucoma-related visual field defects
  137. Study: Below standard volumes of knee revisions done at most centers in England
  138. Subclonal driver mutations shortened remission period in CLL
  139. Sudden, painless loss of vision
  140. Surgeons offer insight into the pros and cons of emerging porous metal technologies: Part 2
  141. Survey: Majority of contact lens wearers satisfied with vision
  142. Techniques evolving globally to rescue weak capsules, fallen nuclei
  143. Ten keys to being a leader in an ophthalmic setting
  144. Tenofovir effectively treated adolescents with chronic HBV
  145. The Antiplatelet Enigma
  146. The LURIC Study
  147. The question of off-label drug promotion vs free speech
  148. The Role of Dissection/Re-Entry in CTO PCI
  149. The Take Home: TCT
  150. Ticagrelor Not Found Superior to Prasugrel in Reducing Platelet Reactivity
  151. T-membranotomy technique can be used to displace vitreous floaters
  152. Tomar medidas para evitar complicações da cirurgia de pterígio
  153. Total ankle arthroplasty shows promising results, but obstacles exist
  154. Transcatheter Closure for Small, Asymptomatic Children Can Still be Deferred
  155. UK researchers find genetic marker for intervertebral disc degeneration
  156. Unfolding of IOL key to glued intrascleral fixation
  157. Vasculitic leakage on FA
  158. Vitamin D deficiency plays role in non-healing metatarsal fracture
  159. W. Douglas Weaver, MD: Value of mentorship is 'sky high'
  160. We want patient-friendly care
  161. What to Watch in 2013
  162. When clinicians become patients, treatment journeys help shape their approaches to care
  163. Zilver PTX FDA Approved for PAD