January 01, 2013
1 min read

Healio Minute Tuesday, Jan. 1, 2013 Edition: Talk about off-label, veterans get red tape break, domestic violence ‘synergy’

What just happened in medicine and why do you care?

Free speech goes ‘off-label,’ stays on target

Healio.com/Ophthalmology: Blogger John A. Hovanesian believes a recent federal appeals court decision is a cause for … collaboration. Read more.

Cooperation among three federal agencies? Believe it

Healio.com/Orthotics-Prosthetics: That’s what it takes to eliminate an annual red tape headache for veterans. Read more.

Sharing fertile ground: Domestic violence and mental disorders

Healio.com/Psychiatry: Data reveals an unfortunate synergistic relationship. Read more.

Affordable care vs. unintended consequences

Healio.com/Orthopedics: Hospitals in some states have exactly one year to prepare for certain Medicaid cutbacks. Read more.

Bankrupt but unbowed

Healio.com/Optometry: American Optometric Society vows to continue its mission despite owing more in legal fees that it has in assets Read more.