
December 01, 2008 Articles

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  1. A 10-month-old boy with salmonella, rash
  2. A 2.5-year-old girl with an annular plaque
  3. A Clinicoradiologic Study of the Birmingham Mid-Head Resection Device
  4. A Novel Blood-saving Plan for Less-invasive Primary Total Hip Replacement
  5. A profundidade e incisões modificadas por retalho aumentam a força e evitam a tensão
  6. Accommodative ability returns over time after lens implantation
  7. ACIP recommends pneumococcal vaccine for adult smokers
  8. Add-on IOL an option for surgery for correcting ametropia in pseudophakic eyes
  9. Aggressive monitoring recommended for “good” eye in wet AMD patients
  10. AIDS Compendium
  11. Alaska Native and American Indian pneumococcal vaccine recommendations revised
  12. Are the risks of ‘kitchen pharmacy’ a justified concern?
  13. As 2008 ends, there are reasons for optimism in the new year
  14. ASE consensus statement reaffirms importance of ultrasound contrast agents
  15. Atherosclerosis still present in patients with calcium score of zero
  16. ATLAS TIMI 46: Rivaroxaban did not lower endpoint of death, MI, stroke, severe ischemia requiring revascularization
  17. Bone marrow transplant may have cured AIDS in one patient
  18. C. difficile infection rates may be increasing
  19. Carefully differentiate PVD from retinal breaks
  20. CARESS: no difference between carotid endarterectomy and stenting
  21. Cataract surgery challenging with open posterior capsule
  22. Chugh named head of Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute
  23. Clinicians stress preop evaluation, treatment to avoid dry eye after LASIK
  24. Clinicians stress preop evaluation, treatment to avoid dry eye after LASIK
  25. CNTF可缩小地图状萎缩
  26. Comparison of Mid-term Clinical Outcomes After Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty With Oxinium vs Cobalt Chrome Femoral Heads
  27. Conozca los signos, y tratamiento del síndrome tóxico del segmento anterior
  28. Consensus on endophthalmitis prevention slowly but steadily increasing in Europe
  29. Consider BAK's effects in glaucoma patients
  30. Data insufficient for routine CAC screening
  31. Diagnosis, treatment of young children with UTI
  32. DME用抗VEGF治疗12个月显示良好结果
  33. Dual-source CTA comparable with catheter angiogram for CAD diagnosis
  34. Earlier treatment of patients with HIV may reduce mortality risk
  35. Early Clinical Experience With the Use of the Birmingham Hip Resurfacing System
  36. Early extension is safe after UCL reconstruction
  37. Echelon Stems and Primary Total Hip Replacement Surgery
  38. Elderly patients hospitalized for MI are at elevated risk for developing subsequent HF
  39. Emerging Peptide Hormone Therapies for the Treatment of Obesity: Mechanisms of Action, Clinical Safety, and Efficacy
  40. Emperion Noncemented Modular Femoral Component – Can Modularity Solve Any Primary Total Hip Replacement Problem?
  41. FDA seizes contaminated heparin lots in Cincinnati
  42. Fifty years of beta-blockers: a revolution in CV pharmacotherapy
  43. Fique atento aos sinais; tratamento da síndrome tóxica do segmento anterior
  44. FOLFOX regimen improved five-year survival in metastatic colorectal cancer
  45. Gels, free-radical scavengers among biologic treatments for post-traumatic OA
  46. Good results seen in early postop fracture infection with retained hardware
  47. Handheld device use poses more stress on eyes, body than reading printed copy
  48. HF-ACTION: Exercise program yielded modest benefit for patients with HF
  49. High-tech access to eye care in rural areas reduces cost and stress
  50. HIV may be growing more virulent
  51. HORIZONS AMI: Results support bivalirudin
  52. Hypochlorite solutions may be useful in managing CA-MRSA
  53. Increase of S. pneumoniae 19A serotype reported in Canada
  54. Influenza immunization strategy: It’s time for a change
  55. I-PRESERVE: No reduction in mortality in patients with HF
  56. JPAD: Low-dose aspirin did not prevent CV events in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes
  57. JUPITER trial results: Using hsCRP to identify primary prevention patients who may benefit from statin therapy
  58. La profundidad y las incisiones modificadas para que el colgajo aumente su fortaleza previenen la tensión
  59. LASIK为替代方法让道:屈光外科医生更常做屈光手术
  60. Lessons are to be learned from success and failures of shoulder arthroplasty
  61. Major adverse cardiac events can be ruled out by coronary CTA in some patients
  62. Minority children more likely to die waiting for heart transplants than white children
  63. Negative PET scans predicted high PFS in advanced-stage Hodgkin lymphoma
  64. Negotiating vaccine reimbursement with managed care organizations
  65. New screening tool may help identify patients with prediabetes
  66. Nonprofit hospitals buying up cardiology practices
  67. ODs well suited to discuss IOL options with patients
  68. OS, disease-free survival unaffected by pelvic lymphadenectomy in endometrial carcinoma
  69. Panel recommends FDA approval of ThermoCool ablation catheter
  70. Patient records can help or hurt a physician in medical malpractice cases
  71. Patients with HF may have more doctor visits than average Medicare beneficiary
  72. Peter Libby, MD, says shifting demographics will shape the future of cardiology
  73. Phacoemulsification reduces IOP in eyes with pseudoexfoliation
  74. Physician activism behind measure to bring freedom of health care choice
  75. Preoperative values important in successful vitrectomy for vitreomacular traction
  76. Proposition 101: Health care freedom of choice defeated in Arizona
  77. Provide all aspects of retinal care
  78. Punctal plug proposed for glaucoma treatment
  79. Raltegravir-based regimen may be effective in treatment-naive patients
  80. Retina specialist takes on tuberculosis, diabetes and infection in India
  81. Retinal surgeon explains how to handle dropped nucleus
  82. Review of the Evolution of the Cementless Acetabular Cup
  83. Risk for sudden cardiac death increased in month following MI
  84. Risk of donor endothelial failure increases in donor dislocation cases
  85. Rotavirus: Prevention and Vaccination Strategies to Address Burden of Disease
  86. Safe and Accurate: Learning the Direct Anterior Total Hip Arthroplasty
  87. Serotonin plays key role in bone formation and may be linked to osteoporosis
  88. SSRIs recommended for patients with CHD, depression
  89. Statins in the water? Not yet
  90. Study pinpoints genetic markers for axial length, myopia
  91. Study: Office-based vergence therapy best for convergence insufficiency
  92. Surface replacement 2008: Back to the future
  93. Surgeon offers advice for optimal cement fixation in primary total knee arthroplasty
  94. Systemic Metal Exposure in Large- and Small-diameter Metal-on-Metal Total Hip Replacements
  95. Técnica microincisional sin sutura resulta segura y útil en algunos casos de cataratas pediátricas
  96. Técnica sem ponto microincisional segura, útil em alguns casos de catarata pediátrica
  97. Telephone counseling may be as effective as face-to-face counseling in weight loss maintenance
  98. The Dual-Mobility POLARCUP: First Results From a Multicenter Study
  99. The Next Generation of Acetabular Shell Design and Bearing Surfaces
  100. The Top 10 stories of 2008
  101. The X-ray: providing a new perspective in 1895
  102. Treating elevated C-reactive protein with a statin
  103. Tuberculosis in elephants: a reverse zoonosis
  104. Videotaping interactions with patients can improve their care experiences
  105. When is the Right Time to Resurface?
  106. 做DSEK的青光眼和非青光眼患者的IOP高,视力结果相似
  107. 实施角膜缘自体移植或PK的先天性无虹膜患者的BCVA相似
  108. 对不同的适应症,MMC需要不同的用药时间
  109. 抗VEGF治疗DME比光凝及联合治疗更有效
  110. 提供患者体验是LASIK营销的关键
  111. 玻璃体内纤溶酶有效治疗对其他治疗无效的DME患者
  112. 玻璃体切割术前使用抗VEGF降低出血风险
  113. 用27号器械做玻璃体切割术不仅可能,效果也最佳
  114. 研究显示单用MRI不能检测视网膜母细胞瘤眼内的视神经浸润
  115. 研究者说,美国开展有史以来最大的巨细胞动脉炎研究
  116. 辅件式IOL是人工晶体眼矫正的手术选择
  117. 青光眼给药的新型定时栓耐受性好,可降低IOP