November 01, 2008 Articles
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- 采访:天津医科大学眼科中心主任李筱荣教授
- A 17-year-old girl with acute cellulitis
- A 34-week-old boy with skin lesions
- ACIP clarifies pediatric pneumococcal vaccine recommendations
- Add-on IOL技术加强以前白内障手术的效果
- AIDS Compendium
- Alert systems may increase mammogram screening rates for women with HIV
- Antibiotic use linked to MRSA risk
- Anti-VEGF agent reimbursable for AMD in France
- APPROACH: Rosiglitazone not significantly better than glipizide at reducing atherosclerosis
- Are all carbapenems the same?
- Are we involved in organ or tissue transplantation?
- Atherosclerosis, stent repair important areas of study to Renu Virmani, MD
- ATLAS TIMI 46: Rivaroxaban did not lower endpoint of death, MI, stroke, severe ischemia requiring revascularization
- Balloon kyphoplasty may be effective in cases of osteolytic vertebral fractures
- Candidate prepandemic flu vaccine showing good efficacy in children
- Cardiac CTA useful in predicting all-cause mortality in patients with CAD
- Cataract surgery post-RK can be challenging
- Clinicians continue to discover relevant data from spectral domain OCT
- COMPARE: Two preparations of carvedilol comparable in patients with HF
- Conjunctivitis treatment also improves signs, symptoms of blepharitis
- Contemporary elbow surgery: Consider your abilities and patient expectations
- Data insufficient for routine CAC screening
- Despite a variety of bone graft substitute options, an ideal solution eludes surgeons
- Distal release of the deltoid: An option for symptomatic cuff tear arthropathy
- DRAM assessment recommended for spine patients
- Drug names – catchy but dangerous?
- Dry eye signs and symptoms often inconsistent
- Dry eye, allergies prevalent in India among different age groups
- DSEK, IOL exchange promising for pseudophakic bullous keratopathy
- DSEK和IOL置换在治疗人工晶体大疱性角膜病上很有前途
- ECP lowers IOP with or without cataract surgery
- FIT Heart: Special interventions did not result in better LDL reductions in family members of patients with CVD
- Future TJR could be linked to navigation, robotic assistance
- Future TKA may see ‘smart’ implants and new alternative bearing surfaces
- Glanders: an ancient zoonosis revisited
- Glucosamine and/or chondroitin sulfate may be no better than placebo for knee OA
- Hand washing, face masks may significantly reduce spread of influenza-like illness
- Helping poor allows physician to give back after his second chance
- Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation may increase risk for morbidity, mortality among people with leukemia
- HF-ACTION: Exercise program yielded modest benefit for patients with HF
- Hip replacement surgeons support the 2007 PE prophylaxis guidelines from AAOS
- HIV/cryptococcal meningitis co-infection linked to immune reconstitution syndrome
- How does cultured limbal stem cell transplantation play into the current practical use of stem cells for corneal regeneration?
- Improving flu vaccination rates among adolescents remains a challenge
- Increase of S. pneumoniae 19A serotype reported in Canada
- Increased age, autograft use show lower graft rupture rate after ACL reconstruction
- Increasing risk of antibiotic resistance demands immediate global action
- Infection rates raise vigilance level for ROP screening regimens
- Influenza vaccinations: Don’t stop now
- Injeção de Anti-VEGF eficaz no tratamento do edema macular diabético
- Injeção única de triamcinolona pode ser superior à bevacizumab no tratamento de EMD, estudo mostra
- Innovation improves dry eye therapies
- Intra-articular injections of local anesthetics: How much is too much?
- Inyección anti-VEGF efectiva para el tratamiento del edema macular diabético
- Inyección única de triamcinolona puede ser superior al bevacizumab para EMD, encuentra estudio
- Is that joint infected? Diagnosing the difficult post-arthroplastyinfection
- Joint Commission issues recommendations for anticoagulation therapy, safety
- JPAD: Low-dose aspirin did not prevent CV events in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes
- Kawasaki disease may be confused with toxic shock syndrome or septic shock
- Limbal stem cell transplantation achieves high standards in Europe and Asia
- Many FDA-approved drug trial results remain unpublished
- Mass-DAC registry: Lower mortality with drug-eluting vs bare metal stents in patients with diabetes
- Mo.Ma device protects brain during carotid stenting
- New combined TAA procedure shows promising results for pantalar arthritis
- New evidence dates diverse HIV strains from Africa to 1960
- New labeling, packaging for pediatric over-the-counter cough medicine
- New professional society aims to enhance understanding of contrast ultrasound
- Nutrients will work synergistically when addressing dry eye syndrome
- Off-label use, complex trials affect renal artery stenting
- Optometry Giving Sight names Connors U.S. CEO
- Orthopedic, legal semantics complicate the definition of‘complications’
- OTE associate editor oversaw function of medical services at the Olympic Games
- PCON sponsors SECO course
- Pediatric Respiratory Disease: Diagnosis, Prophylaxis and Treatment in the Premature and Late Preterm Infant
- Predicting the potential effect of the JUPITER trial
- Preoperative evaluation key to finding risk of ectasia after LASIK
- Protective effect of circumcision in MSM remains in question
- Proximal femoral allografts and tumor prostheses offer pros, cons for revision
- Punctum plugs: Often the last resort in dry eye treatment
- Rapid diagnostic tests can improve quality of treatment if used appropriately
- Rapid diagnostic tests can improve quality of treatment if used appropriately
- SADHART-CHF: no difference in HF events with sertraline
- SEARCH: Folic acid and B12 supplementation for homocysteine lowering did not lower cardiovascular events
- Short cementless hip stem conserves bone in young patients, uses 3-point fixation
- Similar results seen in TKA patients with resurfaced vs. native patellae at 4 years
- Simple evisceration technique uses radiofrequency
- Sinus of Valsalva safe site for ablation in some patients
- Spirit of collaboration in Lyon produces widely respected ACL, knee, PF joint work
- Statins in the water? Not yet
- SYNTAX: CABG best for patients not qualified for stenting
- Taking time to say thanks and reflect before moving on
- The ABCs of DTaP, Hib, HBV and IPV
- The challenge of chronic ischemic heart disease
- Three- step approach reduced hospital stay for people with CA pneumonia
- Today’s IOLs can correct nearly all hyperopia, myopia, presbyopia
- Tratamento personalizado permite correção excelente da hipermetropia
- Tratamiento personalizado permite corrección excelente de hipermetropía
- Treatment with mupirocin, chlorhexidine may reduce risk for S. aureus infections
- Universal Influenza Vaccination Strategies: A Call for Action
- Using volar vascular grafts for scaphoid nonunions yielded 53% excellent results
- Value-based health care efficiency may lead to better patient outcomes
- Visco-free IOL injection system shows good results in small study
- Vitamin E and C supplementation had no effect on major CV events
- Wall Street and Uncle Sam: New forces will impact health care financereform
- Waning immunity may not have been only cause of 2006 mumps outbreak
- Warfarin underused in patients with AF
- 感染率提高人们对早产儿视网膜病(ROP)筛查方案的警惕
- 房角固定型有晶体眼 IOL 有效且改善生活质量
- 术前评估是发现LASIK术后角膜膨隆风险的关键
- 法国为AMD患者报销抗VEGF制剂的费用
- 用或不用白内障手术,ECP均可降低IOP
- 眼内环眼压计显示用飞秒激光压平角膜中IOP值可重复
- 眼外科医生说,联合诊疗机构实施LASIK获得成功
- 眼外科医生说使用多焦IOL前要考虑全面
- 研究:多焦IOL的位置对对比敏感度无影响
- 调整深度及LASIK瓣切法增加强度,防止角膜变形
- 采访:天津医科大学眼科中心主任李筱荣教授