October 01, 2011 Articles
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- A 10-year-old boy with a red ring on his shoulder
- A 9-year-old male with a limp and a rash
- A safe harbor for online networking for orthopedic surgeons
- AAP committee offers recommendations on prevention and control of flu for this season
- AAP updates UTI guidelines
- AAP updates varicella vaccine recommendations
- Acetabular migration analysis reveals significant cup migration in resurfacing cases
- ACOG recommends immediate treatment for STIs in partners of infected patients
- Added serotypes in PHiD-CV led to further reductions in IPD incidence
- Antibiotic-associated diarrhea common in patients prescribed carbapenems
- ARISTOTLE: Apixaban bests warfarin for stroke prevention in AF
- Arthroscopic surgery for patellar tendinopathy significantly increases function, decreases pain in long term
- Artificial pancreas improved overnight control of diabetes in adults
- Assessment of Pediatric Mental Health
- Babesiosis should be considered more frequently when diagnosing certain fevers
- Beta-lactam use associated with worse outcomes for E. coli patients
- Better dialogue needed among at-risk populations in HIV clinical trials
- Better results with independent exercise vs. formal therapy after volar plating
- Black children more likely to be food sensitive than white children
- Blacks at twofold increased risk for candidemia infections
- Bloodstream infection risk high in ICU gynecological cancer patients
- C. difficile infection emerging without risk factors in outpatient population
- Carefully evaluate your practice’s status as a personal service corporation
- Cases in Listeria outbreak escalating
- Cathepsin-K inhibitor improved BMD over 5 years
- CDC releases RSV data
- CDC releases RSV data
- CDC: Give patients flu vaccine now
- CDC: Give patients flu vaccine now
- Central retinal vein occlusion
- Cerebrovascular pathologies may be unrecognized common etiologies of mild parkinsonian signs
- Challenge calls for discovery of new insulin
- Children colonized with MRSA prone to full-blown infection
- Children colonized with MRSA prone to full-blown infection
- Children with asthma may benefit from vitamin C
- Children with asthma, colds less likely to respond to medications
- Children’s hospitals appear unprepared to handle pandemic
- Children’s low test scores may be related to bullying
- Chronic pain management is more than filling opioid prescriptions and extending disability claims
- Collaboration reduced adverse drug events
- Comparative effectiveness research: Recognize issues impacting your orthopedic practice
- Comparing strengths and limitations of hsCRP and CAC in refining CVD risk prediction
- Consider disparities in cervical cancer screening
- Continued efforts needed to prevent infective endocarditis, improve treatment
- Controlling HAIs in nursing homes a daunting task
- Cost-benefit of vaccines: Considering everyones perspective
- CRT showed positive effect on patients with minimal HF
- Cryptococcus gattii emerging in HIV/AIDS population
- Diabetes therapy, cancer connection scrutinized
- Diagnoses of autism higher than thought in siblings with ASD
- Differentiating between various forms of hypertension presents challenges for physicians
- Discussion
- DMEK pode ser usada após PK em casos de enxerto corneano malsucedido
- DMEK puede utilizarse después de PK para injertos de córnea fallidos
- Duodenal switch bested gastric bypass for weight loss
- Early mobilization, rigid fixation after vertebral compression fractures reduces vertebral deformity
- Effective education on bed bug management needed
- Efforts needed to continue judicious use of antibiotics
- Employee flu vaccines reduced outbreaks in long-term care facilities
- Endoscopic iliopsoas release for internal snapping hip syndrome
- Endovascular approach for common femoral artery disease valid alternative to surgery
- Estrogen levels higher among black women during menstrual cycle
- Etravirine bested efavirenz in treatment-naive HIV
- EURODIAB: Childhood type 1 diabetes incidence continues to rise across Europe
- EXAMINATION: Xience V performed better than bare metal stents in PCI patients
- Exenatide may increase satiety in adults with Prader-Willi syndrome
- Experimental status of prenatal dexamethasone for CAH re-affirmed
- FAME: Steroid implant an efficacious treatment option for diabetic macular edema
- FDA approves denosumab to increase bone mass
- FDA panel recommends approval for rivaroxaban
- FDA panels call for clarification on duration of bisphosphonate use
- Fewer ACL failures with autograft vs. allograft for young athletes
- Fracture risk increased following bariatric surgery
- Functional SYNTAX score appears more accurate than classic SYNTAX score
- Gains in elbow range of motion seen with contracture release
- Genetic mutations identified in sudden infant death syndrome
- Genetics may predict leg pain in patients with severe sciatica
- Germany’s universal health care system on solid foundation
- Gluing a viable alternative to suturing posterior chamber IOLs in unstable bags
- Hard cardiac events in high-risk patients identified with MRI
- HCW uniforms contaminated with potentially pathogenic bacteria
- HCWs at risk for C. difficile from patients with resolved symptoms
- Healthy lifestyle linked to reductions in HF
- Hemodynamic response to LV pacing predictive of need for post-CRT remodeling
- Henry H. Turner, MD: The man behind Turner’s syndrome
- Herd protection may be playing an important role in reducing outbreaks
- HIV medication linked to adrenal dysfunction in newborns of HIV-infected mothers
- HIV, STI interventions should address partner abuse
- Home-based software offers physical therapy for the eyes
- How ‘design science’ can help achieve the triple aim set of goals
- HPV vaccine may be effective in fewer than three doses
- Hypercalcemic crisis in a young woman
- Hypertension increased with decrease in slow-wave sleep
- Immunoadsorption viable rescue therapy for HUS, neurological deficits
- Inappropriate antibiotic use continues in children’s hospitals
- Inclusion of LGBT content in undergraduate medical curriculum low
- Increase in wound complication rates found with use of locking compression plates in distal fibular fractures
- Infants in UK consuming too much salt
- Influenza strains from summer months antigenically similar to current vaccine
- Initial response to unexpected surgical outcomes is crucial
- Insulin pump delivery potentially affected during airplane travel
- Integrated social networks to help with emergency efforts
- Intensified treatment with insulin detemir improved glycemic control, weight loss
- Intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation failed to reduce MI size in patients with acute anterior MI without shock
- Invasive mold infections occurred with absence of prophylaxis covering
- IOM: Vaccines do not cause autism
- LASIK popularity remains, but surface procedures are viable alternatives
- Left ventricular end-diastolic diameter predictive of myocardial recovery
- Limited hand surgery, microvascular/replantation on-call resources seen at trauma centers
- Long-term study shows durability of distal scaphoid resection
- Long-term use of CGM in infants, toddlers possible
- Low quality of life reported among internal medicine residents
- Low quality of life reported among internal medicine residents
- LV diastolic dysfunction linked to increased risk for HF
- Malaria vaccine protected against parasites similar to vaccine strain
- Mama’s boy has hypogonadism
- Maternal combo HAART, nursing regimen reduced risk for HIV transmission
- Medical students’ intent to provide care unbiased
- Methods aim to decrease laser damage in treatment of retinal, choroidal conditions
- Midregion pro-adrenomedullin predicted mortality rate in acute HF patients
- Mobile technologies changing models for diabetes management
- Monthly distribution of bisphosphonates yields more compliance in military patients
- Mortality rates higher for patients with stroke admitted on weekends
- Most common papillary thyroid cancer is microcarcinoma in those aged older than 45 years
- MRSA colonization rates low among pregnant women, newborns
- Mycoplasma pneumonia common cause of prolonged coughing illness in children
- New devices for the treatment of atherosclerotic vascular disease: A view from pathology
- New drug in pipeline may help fight multidrug resistant-Staphylococcus aureus
- New Illinois law eliminates limitations on ocular treatment options
- New method of laser capsule polishing might prevent PCO
- New review clarifies use of FRAX in clinical practice
- Newer-generation everolimus-eluting stent reduced definite stent thrombosis
- No difference in early vs. later CPR in cardiac arrest patients
- No scaphotrapezial joint degeneration seen with volar percutaneous transtrapezial approach
- Obesity drugs: FDA says good guns or no guns
- Optometrists can play a major role in helping patients quit smoking
- Oral calcitonin tablets safe, effective in phase 3 ORACAL trial
- Oral contraceptives linked to gradual bone reduction in some users
- Panel backs continued influenza surveillance
- Parental smoking contributes to ear problems in children
- Patient requesting new glasses has superior visual field loss
- PCON Editorial Board members speak at AAO meeting
- Perioperative low-dose carperitide may play role in patients with renal dysfunction undergoing CABG
- Pharmacotherapy update of head lice
- PIDS/IDSA releases clinical practice guidelines on CAP in children
- Plafondplasty may provide easier access to osteochondral lesions of the talus
- Posture improves after femoral extension osteotomy for hip flexion contractures
- Potential reason for improved outcome found with GWTG-Stroke program
- Prebiotic/probiotic supplements may not reduce AOM in infants and toddlers
- Preliminary risk factors identified for human metapneumovirus
- Preterm birth potential risk factor for asthma
- Previous antibiotic use, length of stay influence cefepime resistance in febrile neutropenic patients
- Previous knee surgery may lead to future articular cartilage lesions
- Proposed criteria for gestational diabetes 'justified'
- Prosthetic impingement is common and preventable in hip replacement, study finds
- Providing more information on pain management beneficial in neonatal ICUs
- Psychology an important part of ophthalmic care
- Research field buzzing with interest about positive effects of metformin on cancer
- Respiratory viruses: ‘a quaking bog’
- Respiratory, asthma control questionnaire shows meaningful changes in clinical symptoms in children
- Response-guided regimen reduced treatment duration by half in HCV
- Resultados de penfigoide de membrana mucosa dependen de diagnóstico y tratamiento precoces
- Resultados do penfigóide da membrana mucosa dependem do diagnóstico e do tratamento precoces
- Review: Single cryoballoon ablation procedure in patients with paroxysmal and persistent AF yields mixed results
- Rotavirus vaccination led to herd immunity, significant cost savings
- Rotavirus vaccine reduces hospitalizations, treatment costs associated with diarrhea
- Routine carpal tunnel release not needed when plating distal radius fractures
- Safety of denosumab reported out to 8 years in extension study
- Scotland’s systematic approach to diabetes care yielded positive outcomes
- Senior ODs can help the next generation succeed
- Similar outcomes seen with vertebroplasty vs. kyphoplasty for osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures
- Slovakian joint register official reports good hemiarthroplasty results
- Social media aided in recruiting for clinical trial in rare disease
- Social networking, online marketing efforts have real return on investment
- SPORT study shows poor results in patients with spondylolisthesis, psychological disorders
- Straight talk needed on STI prevention
- Straight talk needed on STI prevention for adolescents
- Study backs findings that most unicompartmental knee arthroplasty failures occur in the short-term
- Subretinal electronic chip shows encouraging results, further improvements
- Surface ablation procedures still viable options in refractive surgery
- Surface ablation techniques register growth trend in Europe
- Surgeon’s take on MedPAC report notes more federal involvement, lower reimbursement
- Targeted STI intervention strategies urged for youth with HIV
- Targeted STI intervention strategies urged for youth with HIV
- Targeting foodborne illness key in policymaking
- Technology-enhanced simulation associated with large effects in health professions education
- Técnica de LIO adherido posibilita multifocalidad en casos complicados
- Técnica de LIO colada possibilita multifocalidade em casos complicados
- The OSNE300 Survey
- The wars of the world: Saving lives through vaccination
- Total ankle replacement shown to improve gait mechanics
- Type 1 diabetes disease characteristics differ based on age at diagnosis
- UK rescinds blood donor ban for MSM
- Uncertainty and lack of data complicate use of short-stem total hip implants
- Universal hepatitis B vaccine produced far-reaching effects
- Updated guidelines for organ transplantation issued
- Vancomycin comparable to metronidazole in C. difficile infection
- Varied rates of obstructive CAD suggest quality-improvement efforts
- Vertebroplasty for fractures with clefts may be an effective, but not superior treatment
- What the 2011 10Q Report means for women’s cardiovascular health
- Worse diastolic LV dysfunction predisposes to HF in diabetics
- Would you consider PRK as a re-treatment after LASIK?
- 的確に選択された患者において、 屈折矯正手術2年後の術後結果は安定