
October 01, 2011 Articles

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  1. A 10-year-old boy with a red ring on his shoulder
  2. A 9-year-old male with a limp and a rash
  3. A safe harbor for online networking for orthopedic surgeons
  4. AAP committee offers recommendations on prevention and control of flu for this season
  5. AAP updates UTI guidelines
  6. AAP updates varicella vaccine recommendations
  7. Acetabular migration analysis reveals significant cup migration in resurfacing cases
  8. ACOG recommends immediate treatment for STIs in partners of infected patients
  9. Added serotypes in PHiD-CV led to further reductions in IPD incidence
  10. Antibiotic-associated diarrhea common in patients prescribed carbapenems
  11. ARISTOTLE: Apixaban bests warfarin for stroke prevention in AF
  12. Arthroscopic surgery for patellar tendinopathy significantly increases function, decreases pain in long term
  13. Artificial pancreas improved overnight control of diabetes in adults
  14. Assessment of Pediatric Mental Health
  15. Babesiosis should be considered more frequently when diagnosing certain fevers
  16. Beta-lactam use associated with worse outcomes for E. coli patients
  17. Better dialogue needed among at-risk populations in HIV clinical trials
  18. Better results with independent exercise vs. formal therapy after volar plating
  19. Black children more likely to be food sensitive than white children
  20. Blacks at twofold increased risk for candidemia infections
  21. Bloodstream infection risk high in ICU gynecological cancer patients
  22. C. difficile infection emerging without risk factors in outpatient population
  23. Carefully evaluate your practice’s status as a personal service corporation
  24. Cases in Listeria outbreak escalating
  25. Cathepsin-K inhibitor improved BMD over 5 years
  26. CDC releases RSV data
  27. CDC releases RSV data
  28. CDC: Give patients flu vaccine now
  29. CDC: Give patients flu vaccine now
  30. Central retinal vein occlusion
  31. Cerebrovascular pathologies may be unrecognized common etiologies of mild parkinsonian signs
  32. Challenge calls for discovery of new insulin
  33. Children colonized with MRSA prone to full-blown infection
  34. Children colonized with MRSA prone to full-blown infection
  35. Children with asthma may benefit from vitamin C
  36. Children with asthma, colds less likely to respond to medications
  37. Children’s hospitals appear unprepared to handle pandemic
  38. Children’s low test scores may be related to bullying
  39. Chronic pain management is more than filling opioid prescriptions and extending disability claims
  40. Collaboration reduced adverse drug events
  41. Comparative effectiveness research: Recognize issues impacting your orthopedic practice
  42. Comparing strengths and limitations of hsCRP and CAC in refining CVD risk prediction
  43. Consider disparities in cervical cancer screening
  44. Continued efforts needed to prevent infective endocarditis, improve treatment
  45. Controlling HAIs in nursing homes a daunting task
  46. Cost-benefit of vaccines: Considering everyone’s perspective
  47. CRT showed positive effect on patients with minimal HF
  48. Cryptococcus gattii emerging in HIV/AIDS population
  49. Diabetes therapy, cancer connection scrutinized
  50. Diagnoses of autism higher than thought in siblings with ASD
  51. Differentiating between various forms of hypertension presents challenges for physicians
  52. Discussion
  53. DMEK pode ser usada após PK em casos de enxerto corneano malsucedido
  54. DMEK puede utilizarse después de PK para injertos de córnea fallidos
  55. Duodenal switch bested gastric bypass for weight loss
  56. Early mobilization, rigid fixation after vertebral compression fractures reduces vertebral deformity
  57. Effective education on bed bug management needed
  58. Efforts needed to continue judicious use of antibiotics
  59. Employee flu vaccines reduced outbreaks in long-term care facilities
  60. Endoscopic iliopsoas release for internal snapping hip syndrome
  61. Endovascular approach for common femoral artery disease valid alternative to surgery
  62. Estrogen levels higher among black women during menstrual cycle
  63. Etravirine bested efavirenz in treatment-naive HIV
  64. EURODIAB: Childhood type 1 diabetes incidence continues to rise across Europe
  65. EXAMINATION: Xience V performed better than bare metal stents in PCI patients
  66. Exenatide may increase satiety in adults with Prader-Willi syndrome
  67. Experimental status of prenatal dexamethasone for CAH re-affirmed
  68. FAME: Steroid implant an efficacious treatment option for diabetic macular edema
  69. FDA approves denosumab to increase bone mass
  70. FDA panel recommends approval for rivaroxaban
  71. FDA panels call for clarification on duration of bisphosphonate use
  72. Fewer ACL failures with autograft vs. allograft for young athletes
  73. Fracture risk increased following bariatric surgery
  74. Functional SYNTAX score appears more accurate than classic SYNTAX score
  75. Gains in elbow range of motion seen with contracture release
  76. Genetic mutations identified in sudden infant death syndrome
  77. Genetics may predict leg pain in patients with severe sciatica
  78. Germany’s universal health care system on solid foundation
  79. Gluing a viable alternative to suturing posterior chamber IOLs in unstable bags
  80. Hard cardiac events in high-risk patients identified with MRI
  81. HCW uniforms contaminated with potentially pathogenic bacteria
  82. HCWs at risk for C. difficile from patients with resolved symptoms
  83. Healthy lifestyle linked to reductions in HF
  84. Hemodynamic response to LV pacing predictive of need for post-CRT remodeling
  85. Henry H. Turner, MD: The man behind Turner’s syndrome
  86. Herd protection may be playing an important role in reducing outbreaks
  87. HIV medication linked to adrenal dysfunction in newborns of HIV-infected mothers
  88. HIV, STI interventions should address partner abuse
  89. Home-based software offers physical therapy for the eyes
  90. How ‘design science’ can help achieve the triple aim set of goals
  91. HPV vaccine may be effective in fewer than three doses
  92. Hypercalcemic crisis in a young woman
  93. Hypertension increased with decrease in slow-wave sleep
  94. Immunoadsorption viable rescue therapy for HUS, neurological deficits
  95. Inappropriate antibiotic use continues in children’s hospitals
  96. Inclusion of LGBT content in undergraduate medical curriculum low
  97. Increase in wound complication rates found with use of locking compression plates in distal fibular fractures
  98. Infants in UK consuming too much salt
  99. Influenza strains from summer months antigenically similar to current vaccine
  100. Initial response to unexpected surgical outcomes is crucial
  101. Insulin pump delivery potentially affected during airplane travel
  102. Integrated social networks to help with emergency efforts
  103. Intensified treatment with insulin detemir improved glycemic control, weight loss
  104. Intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation failed to reduce MI size in patients with acute anterior MI without shock
  105. Invasive mold infections occurred with absence of prophylaxis covering
  106. IOM: Vaccines do not cause autism
  107. LASIK popularity remains, but surface procedures are viable alternatives
  108. Left ventricular end-diastolic diameter predictive of myocardial recovery
  109. Limited hand surgery, microvascular/replantation on-call resources seen at trauma centers
  110. Long-term study shows durability of distal scaphoid resection
  111. Long-term use of CGM in infants, toddlers possible
  112. Low quality of life reported among internal medicine residents
  113. Low quality of life reported among internal medicine residents
  114. LV diastolic dysfunction linked to increased risk for HF
  115. Malaria vaccine protected against parasites similar to vaccine strain
  116. Mama’s boy has hypogonadism
  117. Maternal combo HAART, nursing regimen reduced risk for HIV transmission
  118. Medical students’ intent to provide care unbiased
  119. Methods aim to decrease laser damage in treatment of retinal, choroidal conditions
  120. Midregion pro-adrenomedullin predicted mortality rate in acute HF patients
  121. Mobile technologies changing models for diabetes management
  122. Monthly distribution of bisphosphonates yields more compliance in military patients
  123. Mortality rates higher for patients with stroke admitted on weekends
  124. Most common papillary thyroid cancer is microcarcinoma in those aged older than 45 years
  125. MRSA colonization rates low among pregnant women, newborns
  126. Mycoplasma pneumonia common cause of prolonged coughing illness in children
  127. New devices for the treatment of atherosclerotic vascular disease: A view from pathology
  128. New drug in pipeline may help fight multidrug resistant-Staphylococcus aureus
  129. New Illinois law eliminates limitations on ocular treatment options
  130. New method of laser capsule polishing might prevent PCO
  131. New review clarifies use of FRAX in clinical practice
  132. Newer-generation everolimus-eluting stent reduced definite stent thrombosis
  133. No difference in early vs. later CPR in cardiac arrest patients
  134. No scaphotrapezial joint degeneration seen with volar percutaneous transtrapezial approach
  135. Obesity drugs: FDA says good guns or no guns
  136. Optometrists can play a major role in helping patients quit smoking
  137. Oral calcitonin tablets safe, effective in phase 3 ORACAL trial
  138. Oral contraceptives linked to gradual bone reduction in some users
  139. Panel backs continued influenza surveillance
  140. Parental smoking contributes to ear problems in children
  141. Patient requesting new glasses has superior visual field loss
  142. PCON Editorial Board members speak at AAO meeting
  143. Perioperative low-dose carperitide may play role in patients with renal dysfunction undergoing CABG
  144. Pharmacotherapy update of head lice
  145. PIDS/IDSA releases clinical practice guidelines on CAP in children
  146. Plafondplasty may provide easier access to osteochondral lesions of the talus
  147. Posture improves after femoral extension osteotomy for hip flexion contractures
  148. Potential reason for improved outcome found with GWTG-Stroke program
  149. Prebiotic/probiotic supplements may not reduce AOM in infants and toddlers
  150. Preliminary risk factors identified for human metapneumovirus
  151. Preterm birth potential risk factor for asthma
  152. Previous antibiotic use, length of stay influence cefepime resistance in febrile neutropenic patients
  153. Previous knee surgery may lead to future articular cartilage lesions
  154. Proposed criteria for gestational diabetes 'justified'
  155. Prosthetic impingement is common and preventable in hip replacement, study finds
  156. Providing more information on pain management beneficial in neonatal ICUs
  157. Psychology an important part of ophthalmic care
  158. Research field buzzing with interest about positive effects of metformin on cancer
  159. Respiratory viruses: ‘a quaking bog’
  160. Respiratory, asthma control questionnaire shows meaningful changes in clinical symptoms in children
  161. Response-guided regimen reduced treatment duration by half in HCV
  162. Resultados de penfigoide de membrana mucosa dependen de diagnóstico y tratamiento precoces
  163. Resultados do penfigóide da membrana mucosa dependem do diagnóstico e do tratamento precoces
  164. Review: Single cryoballoon ablation procedure in patients with paroxysmal and persistent AF yields mixed results
  165. Rotavirus vaccination led to herd immunity, significant cost savings
  166. Rotavirus vaccine reduces hospitalizations, treatment costs associated with diarrhea
  167. Routine carpal tunnel release not needed when plating distal radius fractures
  168. Safety of denosumab reported out to 8 years in extension study
  169. Scotland’s systematic approach to diabetes care yielded positive outcomes
  170. Senior ODs can help the next generation succeed
  171. Similar outcomes seen with vertebroplasty vs. kyphoplasty for osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures
  172. Slovakian joint register official reports good hemiarthroplasty results
  173. Social media aided in recruiting for clinical trial in rare disease
  174. Social networking, online marketing efforts have real return on investment
  175. SPORT study shows poor results in patients with spondylolisthesis, psychological disorders
  176. Straight talk needed on STI prevention
  177. Straight talk needed on STI prevention for adolescents
  178. Study backs findings that most unicompartmental knee arthroplasty failures occur in the short-term
  179. Subretinal electronic chip shows encouraging results, further improvements
  180. Surface ablation procedures still viable options in refractive surgery
  181. Surface ablation techniques register growth trend in Europe
  182. Surgeon’s take on MedPAC report notes more federal involvement, lower reimbursement
  183. Targeted STI intervention strategies urged for youth with HIV
  184. Targeted STI intervention strategies urged for youth with HIV
  185. Targeting foodborne illness key in policymaking
  186. Technology-enhanced simulation associated with large effects in health professions education
  187. Técnica de LIO adherido posibilita multifocalidad en casos complicados
  188. Técnica de LIO colada possibilita multifocalidade em casos complicados
  189. The OSNE300 Survey
  190. The wars of the world: Saving lives through vaccination
  191. Total ankle replacement shown to improve gait mechanics
  192. Type 1 diabetes disease characteristics differ based on age at diagnosis
  193. UK rescinds blood donor ban for MSM
  194. Uncertainty and lack of data complicate use of short-stem total hip implants
  195. Universal hepatitis B vaccine produced far-reaching effects
  196. Updated guidelines for organ transplantation issued
  197. Vancomycin comparable to metronidazole in C. difficile infection
  198. Varied rates of obstructive CAD suggest quality-improvement efforts
  199. Vertebroplasty for fractures with clefts may be an effective, but not superior treatment
  200. What the 2011 10Q Report means for women’s cardiovascular health
  201. Worse diastolic LV dysfunction predisposes to HF in diabetics
  202. Would you consider PRK as a re-treatment after LASIK?
  203. 的確に選択された患者において、 屈折矯正手術2年後の術後結果は安定