Issue: October 2011
October 01, 2011
1 min read

Providing more information on pain management beneficial in neonatal ICUs

Franck LS. Pediatrics. 2011;doi:10.1542/peds.2011-0272.

Issue: October 2011

Arming parents of patients in a neonatal intensive care unit with information on pain and infant comforting techniques better prepared them to take an “active role” in infant pain care and helped them be more positive about their abilities after discharge, according to a recent study published online.

Linda S. Franck, PhD, of the department of family health care nursing at the University of California, and colleagues recruited parents from four neonatal ICUs and gave 84 parents a pain information booklet and instructions on infant-comforting techniques besides a generic neonatal ICU care booklet; 85 parents received the generic neonatal ICU care booklet alone.

The researchers noted no differences between groups in scores related to parental stress, but “significant differences favoring the intervention group for satisfaction with pain information, parents shown infant pain cues and comforting techniques, nursing pain assessment, and parent preference for involvement during painful procedures.”

The researchers said their data should prompt further research in this area, specifically as it relates to parental involvement in pain management, adding that further studies should include direct observation because this study relied mainly on self-reporting techniques.

Disclosure: The researchers report no relevant financial disclosures.

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