February 01, 2005 Articles
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- ‘Minimalist method’ recommended for trypan blue staining
- 5-FU recommended for primary trabeculectomy
- Aging baby boomers drive mergers in ophthalmic industry
- Angioplasty without on-site surgery prompts lawsuit
- At Issue: Cataract surgery prophylaxis regimen
- Be keenly aware of clinical risks related to using fresh allografts
- Bleb needling an option before repeat trabeculectomy is attempted
- Britain will make data on drug side effects public
- CAMELOT: Normotensives with CAD benefit from BP lowering
- Combination therapy may be necessary for optimal allergy management
- Concerns about naproxen were probably overstated
- Concerns about naproxen were probably overstated
- Custo afasta muitos pacientes do tratamento com Visudyne
- Downside of putting antibiotics in cement may be resistant bacteria
- El pronóstico para el glaucoma congénito puede mejorarse con un diagnóstico temprano
- Em Debate: A importância da fluídica na facoemulsificação
- Emerging technologies for vision screening must overcome resistance to reach to more children
- En Discusión: La importancia de la fluídica en la facoemulsificación
- Epidemiology of Osteoarthritis
- Etiology and Pathophysiology of Osteoarthritis
- Evidence-based medicine reversing long-held beliefs about transfusions
- Expanding refractive options with the Crystalens
- For VKC, focus on relieving symptoms
- Foreword
- Free new Web site enhances physician learning, patient education
- Future Treatment of Osteoarthritis
- Help allergy sufferers wear contact lenses more comfortably
- HRT may still be a viable option for younger women
- Immediate funding, long-term support both essential in tsunami relief efforts
- Immediate funding, long-term support both essential in tsunami relief efforts
- Informed consent for off-label use
- International surgeons share experiences with phakic IOL use
- Invasive surgery debate likely to continue
- Keys to success when adding a new doctor to your practice
- Leading practitioners share their insights
- Los costos impiden el acceso de muchos pacientes a la terapia con Visudyne
- Macugen granted U.S. marketing approval for wet AMD treatment
- Managing the Osteoarthritis Frontier: Pathophysiology, Etiology, and Treatment Options
- Manual LASEK without the use of alcohol can be performed in selected cases
- Many dangerous conditions can mimic spinal disease
- NIH provides loan repayment program to clinical researchers
- Novartis, Schering AG to develop cancer drug for use in AMD
- O prognóstico do glaucoma congênito pode ser melhorado com diagnóstico precoce
- Obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome: the growing epidemic
- Ocular hypertension after triamcinolone acetonide injection not always transient
- Optometric researchers report results of myopia, driving, AMD trials
- Osteoarthritis Case Study
- PCI without on-site cardiac surgery not business as usual
- Porous ingrowth fixation revolutionized hip replacement
- Sclerothalamotomy ab interno a minimally invasive surgical option for glaucoma
- Spinal cord stimulator trial underway for patients with refractory angina
- Stuart Weinstein braces for a busy year as AAOS president
- Study: Comanagement results in ‘excellent’ patient outcomes
- Surgeon: Pre-loaded injection system makes cataract surgery easier and safer
- Surgical treatment for AMD offers patients improved quality of life
- The paperless office: Taking the plunge
- Treat ocular surface disease before LASIK is performed
- Treatment Options for Osteoarthritis
- Wound care equipment linked to Acinetobacter outbreak