JAK Inhibitors Video Perspectives

Namrata Singh, MD, MSCI

Singh reports research funding from the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal And Skin Diseases of the NIH.

February 15, 2023
2 min watch

VIDEO: Interesting data on JAK inhibitors presented at ACR 2022


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I think the big one I would highlight is the results of the Paisley trial, P-A-I-S-L-E-Y, Paisley trial, in systemic lupus erythematosus. I might not do justice to the pronunciation of the drug. Deucravacitinib, which is a selective TYK2 inhibitor. It was a phase two clinical trial where, you know, it was a positive study in terms of efficacy for outcomes in this lupus trial. You know, in lupus we lag a lot behind for data for drugs that actually work in our lupus patients, given it's such a heterogeneous disease, unlike rheumatoid arthritis.

So I think that was very well-received, and is a ray of hope for sure. But at the same time, in terms of other data, as anticipated, there were a lot of studies in terms of observational studies looking at the safety of JAK inhibitors such as tofacitinib, compared to TNF inhibitors in real-world data. So for example, you know, you name a registry, for example, and there was a study from there. From Japan, from Seoul, from European registry. Including a oral abstract presentation by Dr. Jérôme Avouac at the ACR 2022, on comparative safety in rheumatoid arthritis for the comparison of JAK inhibitors versus TNF inhibitors. So I think a lot of buzz around this topic at the ACR 2022.