JAK Inhibitors Video Perspectives

Kathryn Dao, MD

Dao reports no relevant financial disclosures.

January 24, 2022
1 min watch

VIDEO: JAK inhibitors have 'transformed' the treatment landscape


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Really an incredible class of drugs. It totally transformed the landscape of treatment for patients. I mean, it holds promise in multiple diseases. So it's this one class of drug that can have efficacy both in the skin, the gut, the joints, but also in cancer as well. And it does so by blocking very specific subcellular pathways from which inflammation and cellular proliferation occurs. And if you think about it, JAK inhibitors basically have the potency of a biologic, but in a pill form. And how nice is that for patients? Typically, you know, with biologics, they have to do injections or infusions, but here it is the convenience of the pill, so patients could travel more freely, and not worry about having to miss their appointment, or reschedule it just to get an injection or infusion. Some of my patients have had difficulties attaining remission, but for the first time they're able to do so. So it's been actually a very incredible, incredible tool in our fight against autoimmune diseases.