JAK Inhibitors Video Perspectives

Kathryn Dao, MD

Dao reports no relevant financial disclosures.

January 24, 2022
1 min watch

VIDEO: Expert discusses excitement for second-generation JAK inhibitors


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There's more than 20 being studied right now, and for various indications. There's like 95 patents put out and probably more by now, but some of them are still, you know, using the same drug but different types of applications. So they're looking at using the JAK inhibitors for giant-cell arteritis, for vasculitis, lupus, autoimmune uveitis. Topical JAK inhibitors are being employed now for atopic dermatitis, and so there's also enteropathies, and other skin diseases. But the one thing that I'm really gonna focus my attention to are the second generation JAK inhibitors. So these are even more selective than the first generations. So perhaps maybe a little less side effects and more focused on targeting the areas that is causing disease and inflammation. This is incredible. It's like we're unlocking a little bit more of our knowledge about the immune system and how to treat it, and, you know, as we keep finding new ways to manage autoimmune disease, I think this is our path forward to finding a cure.