JAK Inhibitors Video Perspectives

Kathryn Dao, MD

Dao reports no relevant financial disclosures.

January 24, 2022
1 min watch

VIDEO: JAK inhibitors show promise in hematologic malignancies, solid tumors


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So there actually been a lot of studies looking at JAK inhibitors for the study of hematologic malignancies, as well as solid tumors. Now, these studies are ongoing and it's showing a lot of promise and it would make sense because like the way these JAK inhibitors they're targeting these sub-cellular molecules that are involved in a lot of the pathways where cancer develops. There was ruxolitinib that was approved for myelofibrosis and polycythemia vera and then there's also a few other ones that are being looked at for solid tumors. But like I said, JAK inhibitors are just really incredible because they're studied for various other diseases as well. 'Cause we're using JAK inhibitors now to treat COVID patients. So baricitinib received Emergency Use Authorization in November 2020 and in part of the guidelines that the NIH had published stating that treating hospitalized COVID patients should include baricitinib, tofacitinib or Tocilizumab in addition to dexamethasone with or without remdesivir. So it's a very important pathway that these drugs are targeting.