JAK Inhibitors Video Perspectives

Kathryn Dao, MD

Dao reports no relevant financial disclosures.

January 24, 2022
1 min watch

VIDEO: Triple DMARD therapy, other options for patients who don't respond to JAK inhibitors


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Before the JAK inhibitors came out, we had other tools in our toolbox. So we have our traditional conventional synthetic DMARDs. So that's methotrexate, leflunomide, sulfasalazine, but let's not forget the triple DMARD therapy works. Triple DMARD therapy is as efficacious as a biologic. And I know that there's not a trial yet, but I have a feeling that is just as efficacious as a JAK inhibitor. So the tools that we have before JAK inhibitors are the same tools we have now. So we have DMARDs, TNF inhibitors. We have non-TNF biologics, and then the JAK inhibitors. So let's just not forget about those other tools.