JAK Inhibitors Video Perspectives

Namrata Singh, MD, MSCI

Singh reports research funding from the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal And Skin Diseases of the NIH.

February 15, 2023
1 min watch

VIDEO: JAK inhibitors field is 'continuing to evolve'


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The field of JAK inhibitors is continuing to evolve in terms of both data regarding new indications for different JAK inhibitors, a few new JAK inhibitors getting in the market, as well as new indications for old JAK inhibitors that we are familiar with, as well as, of course, since the dissemination of the ORAL Surveillance trial results in the New England Journal of Medicine last year. There's a lot of concerns, but, as well as evolving data on real world observational studies, for example, on the safety of JAK inhibitors continuing to evolve, so definitely a lot going on in this space.