
September 01, 2009 Articles

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  1. ‘Better safe than sorry’ for a dropped nucleus
  2. 10-day-old infant admitted for possible shock
  3. 13-year-old girl with lesion on scalp
  4. A closer look at Bartonellosis
  5. A fellow’s perspective on looking for a job
  6. Achilles tendon allograft shows promise for repairing failed hip abductors post-THA
  7. AIDS Compendium
  8. Anti-VEGF agent may be an option for nonresponsive CME
  9. As health care reform evolves, many options being discussed
  10. Availability of broad therapeutic options does not negate need for prevention
  11. Benefit of microfracture, implant for cartilage defects seen in early studies
  12. Best treatment plan available for pediatric refractive surgery
  13. Better clinical outcomes seen in patients who had intraoperative pedography
  14. Cancer survival may be related to marital status
  15. Cardiac risks similar for two stimulants used to treat ADHD
  16. Causation in medical liability: Determining who is at fault
  17. Challenging Clinical Cases in Adult Immunization
  18. Childhood obesity-related costs skyrocketed, hospitalizations nearly doubled
  19. Clinical research and regulatory oversight: A question of balance
  20. Clinicians educate, communicate with patients through new technology
  21. Closing the loop: Artificial pancreas may be just a few years away
  22. Combining SLAP and cuff repair depends on labral attachments, shoulder stability
  23. Community-acquired MRSA a growing problem in eye care
  24. Conjunctival contamination during surgery: A possibility to avoid
  25. Consider the architectural need in seeking bone graft substitutes for the distal radius
  26. Coracohumeral interval associated with anterior shoulder pathologies, study finds
  27. Corneal cross-linking shows increasingly good results, gains popularity, stimulates research
  28. Coronary CTA yielded higher diagnostic ability than perfusion in ACCURACY substudy
  29. Could long-term effects of cross-linkage be a concern and a potential source of problems?
  30. Could long-term effects of cross-linkage be a concern and a potential source of problems?
  31. Cross-linking: A revolution in progress
  32. Decompression for stenosis less costly than fusion, especially when instrumented
  33. Deep sclerectomy still a viable and effective procedure, results show
  34. Diabetic foot team lowers rate of major amputations
  35. Drug-eluting stent use declined more than 30% between 2006, 2008
  36. Dysfunctional tear syndrome patients have morphologic changes in superficial corneal epithelium
  37. Echocardiography for interventions in the cardiac cath lab
  38. El ‘índice de control de la PIO’ prometedor como herramienta de pronóstico
  39. Elmo urges children to ‘wash, wash, wash’ hands to fight infection
  40. Elmo urges children to ‘wash, wash, wash’ hands to fight infection
  41. EPIC-Potsdam study: Healthy lifestyle greatly predicted prevention of chronic disease
  42. EVENT: No differences in outcomes between sirolimus-eluting and paclitaxel-eluting stent at one year
  43. Excessive regulation and oversight may be paralyzing research, quality improvement efforts
  44. Expert: ‘Hardy’ rotavirus preventable with vaccination
  45. FDA advisory committee vote: Denosumab benefits outweigh osteoporosis risks
  46. FDA warns that electronic cigarettes contain carcinogens, toxic chemicals
  47. Follow-up of 10 to 20 years highlights the durability and efficacy of ACI in the knee
  48. Fragmentation can be a predictor for displacement in distal radius fractures
  49. Further thoughts on health care: What became of cost control?
  50. Giving bad news
  51. Good results seen with conventional fixation of geriatric acetabular fractures
  52. Guide to Imaging
  53. Hardware removal halts the majority of postoperative foot and ankle pain
  54. Health Care Reform: Where is the courage to expect accountability?
  55. Health Care Reform: Where is the courage to expect accountability?
  56. Health officials consider HPV vaccination for males
  57. Health officials consider HPV vaccination for males
  58. Healthy lifestyle associated with lower lifetime risk for HF in men
  59. Important recommendations for palivizumab usage included in revised Red Book
  60. Inaccurate spectacles contribute to visual disability among children
  61. Infected shoulder arthroplasty calls for correct diagnosis, thorough debridement
  62. IOL prototypes use variable media, shifting visual axis to enhance near vision
  63. Is acetaminophen safe?
  64. Is the recent concern over insulin glargine and malignancy warranted?
  65. Lipidologist finds fulfillment running extreme endurance races
  66. Look for treatable targets when choosing osteotomy for distal radius malunions
  67. Medication review service linked with prolonged time to next hospitalization for HF
  68. Minimally invasive technique repaired congenital defect
  69. More summer infections and injuries
  70. MRSA adquirido na comunidade um problema crescente em oftalmologia
  71. MRSA extrahospitalario un problema creciente en oftalmología
  72. Myocardial perfusion imaging by CT a promising diagnostic, prognostic tool
  73. Needs of patients with complex distal radius fractures should guide treatment
  74. New AOA president sets goals, urges solidarity among members
  75. New battery chemistry allows more power in a smaller unit
  76. New technique helps treat malformed anterior segment with biosynthetic prosthetic
  77. No difference in outcomes seen at 1 year follow-up when using navigation for TKA
  78. O ‘índice de controle de PIO’ parece ser uma promessa como ferramenta prognóstica
  79. Obama’s remarks on reimbursement and the role of surgeons draw AAOS response
  80. Obese patients have a 2.4-fold greater risk for revision after minimally invasive UKA
  81. Ocular antibiotic arsenal continues to expand
  82. Ophthalmologist works to keep Gurudev’s philosophy alive
  83. Orthopedic surgeons sound off on House and Senate health care reform proposals
  84. Patients who know HIV-positive status may continue to engage in high-risk behaviors
  85. Patients with hyperthyroidism at greater risk of worse Graves' ophthalmopathy
  86. Performance-based measurement may correlate to visual function better than self-report questionnaires
  87. Perfusion imaging with CT plus CTA helpful in patients with stents, high coronary calcification
  88. Phaco equally safe without the use of viscoelastic, study shows
  89. Physicians debate the importance of learning curve for hip resurfacing
  90. Posibles resultados indeseables después de cirugías de cataratas sin incidentes
  91. Possível resultado indesejável após uma cirurgia de catarata sem complicações
  92. Potential uses exist for diagnostic imaging in treatment and rehabilitation therapies
  93. PRAGUE-7: No additional benefit from early administration of abciximab in PCI
  94. Previous surgery may negatively affect lumbar stenosis results
  95. PROTECHT: Antithrombotic prophylaxis with nadroparin reduced VTE in patients receiving chemotherapy
  96. Reason for higher pancreatic cancer rates in blacks still unclear
  97. Recurrent fainting could be indicative of cardiac problems
  98. Recurrent herpes simplex, zoster can be suppressed by long-term oral therapy
  99. Refractive surgery can sometimes be an option in keratoconus patients
  100. Report recommends local government action to curb childhood obesity
  101. Researchers use skin cells to produce stem cells that can grow retinal cells
  102. Review of TIMI trials shows PPI use did not compromise thienopyridine efficacy
  103. Revisiting 1957-1958 influenza pandemic may provide clues to combating H1N1
  104. Screening family members most effective for detection, study shows
  105. Secondary bacterial infections less prevalent among young febrile infants with influenza
  106. Selective blue light filtering may protect against macular disorders
  107. Semi-retired orthopedist has time on and in his hands
  108. Severity of depressive symptoms may impact HIV risk among black MSM
  109. Sharad Lakhotia named president of Delhi Ophthalmological Society
  110. Similar reoperation rates seen with long gamma nails and sliding hip screws
  111. Study sheds new light on severe injury rates for high school athletes
  112. Surgeon reports first 3-month results of accommodating IOL
  113. Surgical ACL reconstruction has excellent results in the adolescent patient
  114. Swollen lids, pain and opaque vitreous statistically linked to postop endophthalmitis
  115. Take steps to protect your practice’s Internet reputation
  116. Technology ownership, data privacy control critical aspects of EMR adoption
  117. The demand for TJR will continue to escalate
  118. The demand for TJR will continue to escalate
  119. The sticky side of hypogonadism
  120. The surgical scrub: Where do we stand today?
  121. The three As of joint replacement can address failed total knee arthroplasty
  122. Tibial spine injuries in children similar to adult ACL injuries
  123. TRIANA: Primary PCI comparable to thrombolysis for reperfusion in elderly patients
  124. TZDs may increase risk for fracture in men, women
  125. Ultrasound guidance for sciatic nerve blocks shown to have a 99% success rate
  126. Ultrasound revealed thyroid cyst with shifting contents
  127. Vancomycin: ‘Tried and True’?
  128. Vertebroplasty offers no clear advantages over placebo treatment in two new studies
  129. Vision, leadership mark 110-year history of orthopedics at Washington University
  130. Wavefront metrics poorly predict subjective post-LASIK visual quality
  131. Will race matter in the era of personalized medicine?
  132. ウェーブフロント-ガイドLASIKは回折型IOL挿入眼の視力を改善させる
  133. コンタクトレンズの装用、結膜弛緩症の発症に寄与