August 01, 2009 Articles
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- 12-year-old boy admitted for febrile illness
- A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
- A remoção do cristalino em pacientes hiperópicos mais velhos pode evitar o glaucoma
- AIDS Compendium
- Aminoglycosides: not that bad for bad kidneys?
- Anterior segment OCT helps identify problem with ICR segments
- AOA House of Delegates narrowly passes board certification
- Are we entering a post-antibiotic era?
- Arthroscopic debridement of the knee for osteoarthritis: Is it ever indicated?
- As complicações relacionadas ao retalho oferecem desafios
- As health care reform evolves, many options being discussed
- Aspirin: a natural remedy turned pharmaceutical milestone
- Autorefraction systems help ODs increase efficiency, improve patient care
- Axial back, neck pain self-reported history inaccurate 50% of the time after a MVA
- Category III CPT codes: Coming of age in the new health care environment
- Clinics can reap benefits from forming high-performance operating room teams
- Consider femoral morphology, bone quality in selecting patients for hip resurfacing
- Contamination on C-arm drapes noted
- Desafíos actuales ante las complicaciones relacionadas con colgajos
- Doctor traveling with fellows quarantined 7 days in Hong Kong after H1N1 exposure
- DVT and PE prophylaxes not needed in all patients after knee arthroscopy
- Educator, inventor shapes future of ophthalmology in India, worldwide
- Effects of left ventricular ejection fraction on outcomes similar in elderly patients with HF regardless of beta-blocker cascade
- Emerging imaging, biologic research may spawn new treatments for cartilage injury
- Enalapril, losartan treatment delayed progression of retinopathy in patients with type 1 diabetes
- Evolving Paradigms in the Clinical Diagnosis and Treatments of Short Stature
- Evolving Paradigms in the Clinical Diagnosis and Treatments of Short Stature
- Facilitating insulin initiation in type 2 diabetes
- Fatigue: A patient is sick of being tired
- FEAST substudy: Higher ferritin levels linked with increased inflammation biomarkers
- For Kanu Chatterjee, MD, music, medicine and Gandhi keep his life centered
- Former US Attorney questioned at House hearing about monitors in DOJ agreements
- Four common risk factors for MI linked with increased LV mass
- Further thoughts on health care: What became of cost control?
- High adiponectin levels lowered risk for type 2 diabetes in diverse populations
- HIPAA and caring for children with DSD
- HIV/AIDS and the law: no consensus in sight
- How can providers help hard-pressed patients?
- Innovative OCT technology drives a myriad of applications in eye care
- La remoción del lente cristalino en pacientes hipermétropes mayores podría prevenir el glaucoma
- La técnica de inserción del tapón puntiforme impide la migración
- Laser sheath, female sex associated with higher incidence of traumatic tricuspid regurgitation
- Measuring BMI in overweight range may not present full assessment of patients’ health
- MICSが惹起する角膜の変化はSICSよりも少ない
- Mindfulness and awareness: Tools we can use to become better orthopedic surgeons
- More data needed on xylitol, a medical food product for AOM prevention
- More summertime problems to treat
- Navigation may lead to better component positioning in reverse shoulder procedures
- Navigation-assisted bone tumor surgery may lead to better resection, function
- Nebraska’s WISEWOMAN program screens low-income, uninsured women
- New accommodating lens provides optimal quality of vision at 3 months
- New micro-shunt device facilitates aqueous outflow
- New smoking legislation expands FDA control over promotion of, ingredients in tobacco products
- Non-random thoughts on health care
- Non-random thoughts on health care
- NY surgeon survives lightning strike and discovers a surprising musical ability
- Ophthalmologists must be determined to turn global crisis into a positive opportunity
- Osteopenia and primary amenorrhea: Are those ovaries on the scan?
- Outside forces drive need for board certification, continued competence
- Patients with dilated cardiomyopathy shared mutations in ANKRD1 gene
- Pediatric Immunization: Meeting the Challenges of the 21st Century
- Physicians giving expert testimony are regulated by law, professional associations
- Plain radiographs not as accurate as CT scans for femoroacetabular impingement
- Risk for severe muscle toxicity when combining simvastatin, amiodarone
- Scapula fractures becoming more common following reverse shoulder arthroplasty
- Similar post-TKA survivorship found in obese and nonobese patient groups
- Surgical treatment may be the answer for ACL tears in the aging athlete
- Tax code and health care reform: Redefining the wealthy surgeon
- Tax code and health care reform: Redefining the wealthy surgeon
- Técnica de inserção de plugs punctais evita a migração
- The Adolescent Immunization Conundrum: Options for Breaking Through Barriers -- Part 3
- The autism and vaccines decision may help curtail pending lawsuits
- The autism and vaccines decision may help curtail pending lawsuits
- Tough economic choices force patients to reconsider chronic disease care
- Tularemia: A threat to animals and humans
- U.S. optometrists help give the gift of vision in Sri Lanka
- Wavefront-guided LASIK improves visual acuity in eyes with diffractive IOLs
- What the past teaches us about investing
- What’s new in continuous glucose monitors?
- Zilver PTX stent resistant to fracture at two years
- 抗VEGF剤は治療反応が得られないCMEの治療選択肢となるかもしれない