JAK Inhibitors Video Perspectives

Micaela Bayard, MD

Bayard reports no relevant financial disclosures.

June 24, 2024
1 min watch

VIDEO: Future research on JAK inhibitors should focus on personalized medicine


Editor’s note: This is an automatically generated transcript, which has been slightly edited for clarity. Please notify editor@healio.com if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

If a rheumatologist is asked this, I'm pretty sure they would say being able to know exactly how a medication will do with a patient because there's so much work to build trust in, you know, developing a relationship where you can try very impactful medications, medications that potentially could have significant side effects. And so being able to know with precision, maybe based on someone's genetics, so personalized medicine, exactly how they would do with it, if they're more at risk for certain side effects, if they would do better with one of these different JAK inhibitors that are coming out over another and be able to save so much time because there's so much more than just trying the medication. There's approval and waiting for the medication and finally starting it. So being able to really streamline that process would be amazing.