Vasculitis Awareness

Duvuru Geetha, MBBS

Geetha reports consulting for Aurinia, ChemoCentryx and GSK.
March 30, 2023
1 min watch

VIDEO: ‘Three important goals’ for long-term management of vasculitis


Editor’s note: This is a previously posted video, and the below is an automatically generated transcript to be used for informational purposes. Please notify if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

Over the long term, there are, I would say, three important goals. Number one is to keep the disease under control, because many times the vasculitis doesn't have a cure, so it often recurs when you stop treatment. So, maintaining the disease under control is really important, number one. And number two, vasculitis affects multiple organs. And when it does affect organs, sometimes there's some damage to the organ that is left behind. So, for example, if the kidneys are affected, patients may be left with what we call chronic kidney disease. So, managing disease-related complications is very important. And then many of the medicines that we are using to control vasculitis do come with side effects, you know, infections, cardiovascular risk, malignancy risk. So, these are important risks that come with the medicines that we use, so we want to be able to monitor and manage those treatment-related side effects. Those are the important things in the long-term management of the patient.