Hot Topics in Autoimmune Biliary Diseases

Treatment Advancements

October 17, 2024
1 min watch

VIDEO: PBC treatment has 'turned corner' with new understanding


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Primary biliary cholangitis is really a hot field at the moment. It's really turned the corner into prevention of end stage liver disease and improvement of quality of life. What we've seen across the world is investigators and patients working together to really refine our knowledge about disease and disease treatment and disease outcomes. We've got greater understanding of why people live with PBC. We've got much better ways of identifying the patients who need the best treatments, and now our toolbox for treatments really has taken off and will continue to take off in my opinion.

In this video, Gideon Hirschfield, PhD, Lily and Terry Horner Chair in Autoimmune Liver Disease Research at the University of Toronto, discusses the effects of some of the major recent advancements in primary biliary cholangitis treatment.

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