Video Perspectives in Constipation

Linda Nguyen, MD

Nguyen reports serving on an advisory board for Gemelli and consulting for Alnylam, Eli Lilly, Ironwood, Neurogastrx and Pendulum.

April 14, 2023
2 min watch

VIDEO: Developments in IBS with constipation


Editor’s note: This is a previously posted video, and the below is an automatically generated transcript to be used for informational purposes. Please notify if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

Tenapanor (Ibsrela, Ardelyx) is a new therapy that was FDA approved in 2019 for IBS constipation. It's not yet on the market, but hopefully it will be on the market soon. And it targets both the pain and the the bowel symptoms by increasing spontaneous bowel movements and decreasing pain. So it will be a new class of medication to help our patients who are not responding to therapies that are currently available. Other new developments in IBS has to do with the diagnosis of IBS utilizing the Rome Criteria. Historically, the Rome Criteria was meant to be used for research purposes. So it required fulfilling the criteria for three months with symptoms for at least six months. And so for patients who have, you know, recent symptoms, they're going six months without a diagnosis because they're not fulfilling the Rome Criteria. So the Rome Criteria was recently revised for clinical practice to decrease the duration to eight weeks or more, to allow clinicians to more positively make a diagnosis of IBS in a shorter period of time, so that patients are not going for months with an unknown diagnosis or getting extensive testing to rule out, you know, other causes, and then having IBS-C diagnosis of exclusion. And that's really been something that was stressed in the ACG guidelines is that, we make a positive proactive diagnosis of IBS rather than saying we've done all the testing, everything is normal, so it must be IBS. So we wanna move away from that.