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February 20, 2023
2 min watch

VIDEO: Wait ‘until you have time, bandwidth’ to get involved in advocacy, GI society work

RANCHO PALOS VERDES, Calif. — In a Healio video exclusive, Amy Oxentenko, MD, highlighted the importance of getting involved with gastroenterology societies and key tips on how to get started at the Scrubs and Heels Summit.

“Everybody wonders if and when they should get involved; the answer is really an individualized one,” Oxentenko, professor of gastroenterology and vice dean of practice at Mayo Clinic, told Healio. “You should get involved if it is something that is a passion of yours, but you should also wait to get involved until you have the time and bandwidth to take it on.”

She cautioned: “It’s better to take on a small amount and do it really well, rather than to take on so much that it gets diffused and the quality of your work starts to suffer.”

Oxentenko further advised attendees there are many pathways to getting involved, not just through committees. “There are so many other entry points to be involved with your societies, so making those connections and finding those pathways is key.”

Other key points from her talk included taking on less in order to produce the best quality work and the importance of getting to know the staffers behind the societies.

“Finally, just be your authentic self,” Oxentenko added. “You can tell when people involved in community or advocacy that it’s truly their passion; so be authentic, don’t do something that is not really your inner calling and I think that will really shine through in the work that you do.”