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July 22, 2022
4 min watch

VIDEO: GI Outlook ‘back in-person’ after 2 years with fresh topics, focus on networking

In a Healio video exclusive, Joseph J. Vicari, MD, MBA, a gastroenterologist at Rockford Gastroenterology Associates and course co-director for GI Outlook 2022, discusses this year’s sessions, guided by leaders in gastroenterology.

“The GO course has been the premier practice management course for GI, and this year we're back in person,” Vicari said. “In addition to the networking and the in-depth portion of the course, we do have some other interesting topics. ... We have a talk on the future of health care, a talk on diversity, equity and inclusion, and what practice management course would be complete without topics on the difficulty of staffing, as far as hiring staff and retaining staff.”