March 18, 2016 Articles
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- Abnormal dark adaptation potential early marker of macular dysfunction in cataract surgery candidates
- ABT-126 improves cognition in schizophrenia, but only for nonsmokers
- Adiponectin levels may predict incident prediabetes risk
- At 1 year, Raindrop inlay yields improvement in near, intermediate visual performance
- Atherectomy device yields high patency, low event rates for femoropopliteal in-stent restenosis
- Brainlab introduces automatic digital templating software for knee arthroplasty
- Canada-Netherlands international partnership formed to fund research for inflammatory diseases
- CDC publishes ACIP smallpox vaccine guidelines for persons with occupational exposure
- Diagnosis, treatment, control levels of hypertension low in China
- Drilling technique may keep spinal cord safe during corpectomy for OPLL
- Exercise-induced hypohydration may impair endothelial function
- Expert opinions on measles-specific vaccine exemptions vary widely
- Experts debate role of completion lymphadenectomy for node-positive melanoma
- FDA approves Zika test in qualified laboratory settings
- In vitro study shows effect of vancomycin powder on dural healing
- Individualized benefit approach expands statin eligibility
- Inflamed, noninflamed mucosal microbiota differ between patients with Crohn's disease, UC
- Ipilimumab, interferon debated as standard adjuvant therapy for high-risk disease
- Longer surgical interval shortens RFS when residual melanoma is present
- Making Strides in Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Malnourished patients had increased risk for short-term complications after TSA
- Managing chronic disease benefits individuals with serious mental illness, providers, government
- Monitoring the Patient With Rheumatoid Arthritis for Disease Progression
- mPAP/CO relationship predicts PAH transplant-free survival
- New center will provide EEG testing site for patients, data registry for clinicians
- New Ebola cases confirmed in Guinea
- Nonallergic rhinitis risk linked to obesity in men
- Novel ocular insert maintains lowered IOP in patients with open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension
- Pain and fatigue linked to perception of function in women with fibromyalgia
- Pain associated with less functional independence in older adults
- Planned Parenthood access linked to lower high school dropout rate in girls
- Results of ‘awake’ TLIF show no added complications vs MIS TLIF
- Rheumatoid Arthritis is a Brave New World
- Second breakfast at school yields healthier weight range than no breakfast
- Six symptoms common across spectrum of adult congenital heart disease
- Smartphone platform accurately images anterior, posterior segments
- Statins may reduce colorectal cancer risk in patients with IBD
- Stay Current With Our Peer-Tested Content
- Study finds outpatient ACDF feasible based on 30-day outcomes
- Study identified two single-nucleotide polymorphisms associated with rotator cuff tears
- Surgery after immunotherapy may extend OS in patients with metastatic melanoma
- Synthetic antimalarial effective, safe against P. falciparum
- Talimogene laherparepvec, pembrolizumab combination safely treats advanced melanoma
- ThromboGenics enters into exclusive licensing agreement with Galapagos
- Titanium dioxide nanoparticles observed in dermal layers after sunscreen application
- Top 5 pediatric nutrition stories for National Nutrition Month
- Top read articles about Sjögren’s syndrome highlight overlooked symptoms
- Trained dogs detect bacteria from urine samples
- Training needed for physicians with pregnant patients who use marijuana
- Unintended pregnancy declines by 6% from 2008 to 2011
- UNITI-1: Stelara induction therapy safe, effective in moderate-to-severe refractory Crohn’s disease
- Victrelis/PEG-IFN/RBV for 12 weeks efficacious for acute HCV in HIV-positive men
- VIDEO: Amy J. McMichael, MD, reviews new topical treatment for hair loss
- VIDEO: Checkpoint blockade therapy may not be suitable for all
- VIDEO: Customized femtosecond laser fragmentation reduces phacoemulsification time
- VIDEO: Follow-up care software increases patient satisfaction
- VIDEO: Nicotinamide may reduce risk for basal, squamous cell carcinoma
- VIDEO: Speaker reviews evolving roles of screening, surveillance for melanoma
- VIDEO: Use of imaging technology for the management of diabetic retinopathy
- Walking, cycling to work decreases BMI, body fat percentage
- Younger adults more likely to link to HCV treatment vs. older adults