February 17, 2015 Articles
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- A Conversation with Michael S. Saag, MD
- A Matter of Compensation: HCV and Cirrhosis
- AAAS 2015: Keeping up with antibiotic resistance
- Abandoned, institutionalized children at greater risk for autism
- Added Benefit of HCV Drug Unproven Due to Insufficient Data
- Adults can improve skeletal muscle outcomes through combined endurance, resistance training
- Aggressive HIV strain identified in Cuba
- Amendia acquires new product lines from Baxano Surgical
- American Board of Cosmetic Surgery responds to NewBeauty article
- Analysis of microendoscopic images helps diagnose esophageal squamous neoplasia
- Anterior knee pain may persist after electrocautery with TKA
- BLOG: Rational staff bonuses, part 4
- Breaking Down the Connection Between HCV and Bone Disorders
- Cardiac Pharmacology Pearls
- Cerdelga improves liver volume, other factors in Gaucher's disease
- Clinical Setbacks Integral to Long-Term Success in HCV Treatment
- Clothing fabrics impact transfer of house dust mites
- CMOs look at need for blood cultures before prescribing antibiotics
- CMS is building its own Superbowl
- Collaboration, focus drive transplant success rate at Northwest Kidney Centers
- Combined HD/PD course offers basics for practicing nephrologists
- Contact lens hygiene linked to case contamination
- Corticosteroids may increase lung infection risk in patients with connective tissue diseases
- DaVita 4th quarter beats analysts' expectations despite drop in profit
- ERCP by low-volume endoscopists exposes patients to more radiation
- Everolimus plus letrozole effective in recurrent endometrial carcinoma
- FDA Approves Test Used to Screen Blood for HIV and HBV, HCV
- FDA grants orphan drug designation to entrectinib for colorectal cancer
- FDA grants orphan drug designation to Reolysin for pancreatic cancer
- Five easy steps to ensure patients are prepared for emergencies
- Flibanserin to treat hypoactive sexual desire disorder in premenopause goes back to FDA
- Fracture ratio can help assess nonaccidental trauma in pediatric patients
- Group-based meditation associated with better sleep in older adults
- HCV Trial of ‘One-Shot’ Drug Continues
- Incidence of M. bovis TB grows in California
- Incident cancer linked to increased short-term stroke risk
- Individualized nasal osteotomy can produce more aesthetically pleasing results
- Influenza vaccine found safe in children with egg allergy
- Inverse changes in obesity, comorbidity and arthritis seen over time in patients undergoing THA
- Inverted nipple repair technique demonstrates positive outcomes over 7 years
- Liver disease increases mortality risk after hospitalization for peptic ulcer bleeding
- Long-lasting insecticidal screens reduce dengue mosquito vector
- Mediterranean diet may lower risk for stroke in women
- MERS: The limping epidemic on steroids
- Moderate physical activity most effective for reducing vascular risk in middle-aged women
- Multifaceted intervention improved influenza vaccination in pediatric cancer cases
- NASS seeks feedback for new coverage recommendations
- Pathway may explain cellular aging in patients with anxiety disorders
- Patients with lymphoma can achieve long-term survival regardless of HIV status
- Physician presents refresher on retinopathy of prematurity
- Prime Therapeutics to Supply Competing Therapies for HCV
- Programming offers new opportunities for pharmacists
- Puerto Rican legislators propose to fine parents of children with obesity
- Putting Together the Pieces: Cirrhosis, Osteoporosis and Aging
- Radial head fractures likely being over-treated
- RCT alternatives useful, but require careful consideration
- RCT alternatives useful, but require careful consideration
- Seven recent developments involving pediatric dermatology
- Smoking may interfere with anti-TNF treatment of axial spondyloarthritis
- Study: Low-dose SoluMatrix diclofenac improves patient-reported OA pain
- Syneron Medical appoints CEO of North America leadership team
- The elephant in the room: Violence in the workplace
- The polymyxins: Renewed interest in old antibiotics
- The power of mentoring: We all can help recruit more ID specialists
- Treating the Elderly with HCV: Unique Complications, Considerations
- Type 2 diabetes linked to worse performance on cognitive testing
- Usual care for diabetes as effective as adherence information, motivational interviewing intervention
- VBL Therapeutics to discontinue development of compound for psoriasis, ulcerative colitis
- VIDEO: Techniques in lower eyelid blepharoplasty
- Vitrectomy for lamellar macular hole may not require air tamponade