
February 17, 2015 Articles

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  1. A Conversation with Michael S. Saag, MD
  2. A Matter of Compensation: HCV and Cirrhosis
  3. AAAS 2015: Keeping up with antibiotic resistance
  4. Abandoned, institutionalized children at greater risk for autism
  5. Added Benefit of HCV Drug Unproven Due to Insufficient Data
  6. Adults can improve skeletal muscle outcomes through combined endurance, resistance training
  7. Aggressive HIV strain identified in Cuba
  8. Amendia acquires new product lines from Baxano Surgical
  9. American Board of Cosmetic Surgery responds to NewBeauty article
  10. Analysis of microendoscopic images helps diagnose esophageal squamous neoplasia
  11. Anterior knee pain may persist after electrocautery with TKA
  12. BLOG: Rational staff bonuses, part 4
  13. Breaking Down the Connection Between HCV and Bone Disorders
  14. Cardiac Pharmacology Pearls
  15. Cerdelga improves liver volume, other factors in Gaucher's disease
  16. Clinical Setbacks Integral to Long-Term Success in HCV Treatment
  17. Clothing fabrics impact transfer of house dust mites
  18. CMOs look at need for blood cultures before prescribing antibiotics
  19. CMS is building its own Superbowl
  20. Collaboration, focus drive transplant success rate at Northwest Kidney Centers
  21. Combined HD/PD course offers basics for practicing nephrologists
  22. Contact lens hygiene linked to case contamination
  23. Corticosteroids may increase lung infection risk in patients with connective tissue diseases
  24. DaVita 4th quarter beats analysts' expectations despite drop in profit
  25. ERCP by low-volume endoscopists exposes patients to more radiation
  26. Everolimus plus letrozole effective in recurrent endometrial carcinoma
  27. FDA Approves Test Used to Screen Blood for HIV and HBV, HCV
  28. FDA grants orphan drug designation to entrectinib for colorectal cancer
  29. FDA grants orphan drug designation to Reolysin for pancreatic cancer
  30. Five easy steps to ensure patients are prepared for emergencies
  31. Flibanserin to treat hypoactive sexual desire disorder in premenopause goes back to FDA
  32. Fracture ratio can help assess nonaccidental trauma in pediatric patients
  33. Group-based meditation associated with better sleep in older adults
  34. HCV Trial of ‘One-Shot’ Drug Continues
  35. Incidence of M. bovis TB grows in California
  36. Incident cancer linked to increased short-term stroke risk
  37. Individualized nasal osteotomy can produce more aesthetically pleasing results
  38. Influenza vaccine found safe in children with egg allergy
  39. Inverse changes in obesity, comorbidity and arthritis seen over time in patients undergoing THA
  40. Inverted nipple repair technique demonstrates positive outcomes over 7 years
  41. Liver disease increases mortality risk after hospitalization for peptic ulcer bleeding
  42. Long-lasting insecticidal screens reduce dengue mosquito vector
  43. Mediterranean diet may lower risk for stroke in women
  44. MERS: The limping epidemic on steroids
  45. Moderate physical activity most effective for reducing vascular risk in middle-aged women
  46. Multifaceted intervention improved influenza vaccination in pediatric cancer cases
  47. NASS seeks feedback for new coverage recommendations
  48. Pathway may explain cellular aging in patients with anxiety disorders
  49. Patients with lymphoma can achieve long-term survival regardless of HIV status
  50. Physician presents refresher on retinopathy of prematurity
  51. Prime Therapeutics to Supply Competing Therapies for HCV
  52. Programming offers new opportunities for pharmacists
  53. Puerto Rican legislators propose to fine parents of children with obesity
  54. Putting Together the Pieces: Cirrhosis, Osteoporosis and Aging
  55. Radial head fractures likely being over-treated
  56. RCT alternatives useful, but require careful consideration
  57. RCT alternatives useful, but require careful consideration
  58. Seven recent developments involving pediatric dermatology
  59. Smoking may interfere with anti-TNF treatment of axial spondyloarthritis
  60. Study: Low-dose SoluMatrix diclofenac improves patient-reported OA pain
  61. Syneron Medical appoints CEO of North America leadership team
  62. The elephant in the room: Violence in the workplace
  63. The polymyxins: Renewed interest in old antibiotics
  64. The power of mentoring: We all can help recruit more ID specialists
  65. Treating the Elderly with HCV: Unique Complications, Considerations
  66. Type 2 diabetes linked to worse performance on cognitive testing
  67. Usual care for diabetes as effective as adherence information, motivational interviewing intervention
  68. VBL Therapeutics to discontinue development of compound for psoriasis, ulcerative colitis
  69. VIDEO: Techniques in lower eyelid blepharoplasty
  70. Vitrectomy for lamellar macular hole may not require air tamponade