
December 01, 2012 Articles

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  1. ‘Astounding’ increase in esophageal adenocarcinoma largely unexplained
  2. 17-year-old girl develops bilateral uveitis following ocular trauma
  3. A 55-year-old male nonsmoker with metastatic lung carcinoma
  4. A closer look at commercial involvement in medicine
  5. A Conversation with E. Murat Tuzcu, MD
  6. AACI appoints new president
  7. AACR names journal editor
  8. Accountable care organizations and your new employee: Lady luck
  9. ACS recognizes palliative ‘pathfinder’
  10. Adolescent female presents with discoloration 
on her back and chest
  11. Annual grand prize winner
  12. Answers to questions regarding antibiotics and increased BMI in infants and children
  13. Antihyperglycemic agents on the horizon
  14. ASCO foundation presents awards
  15. Balloon Dilatation Catheter Cleared, Launched in US
  16. Behind the Lab Door
  17. Beta-Blockers Failed to Lower CV Events in Stable Patients
  18. Bladeless cataract surgery largely hinges on precise capsulorrhexis design
  19. BLOCK-HF
  20. Bosutinib: Another option for the treatment of CML
  21. Bubbles from vitrector pose challenges for surgeons
  22. Changing practice environment requires that ophthalmologists examine their attachments
  23. COBRA Published: Cryoplasty Reduced Restenosis Rates in Patients with Diabetes
  24. Cognitive-behavioral therapy, physical exercise have positive effect on endocrine symptoms
  25. Comparison of total ankle replacement, ankle arthrodesis finds equivalent results
  26. Consider both imaging and symptoms before metal-on-metal hip arthroplasty revisions
  27. Continual OCT advancements revolutionize ocular analysis, examination
  28. Critical evaluation of retina necessary before cataract surgery
  30. Decreased reading vision in one eye
  31. Determining optimal duration of DAPT after coronary artery stenting
  32. Dispersive OVD enhances safety in eyes with intraoperative floppy iris syndrome
  33. Door-to-Activation Times Drove Overall Door-to-Balloon Times
  34. Early mortality after tibial plateau fracture fixation linked with age, injury type
  35. Emergency Transport Directly to a PCI Center Significantly Reduced Mortality
  36. ETAP
  37. Evidence-based data needed to support ADA/EASD position statement
  38. Experts discuss HT use 10 years after the Women's Health Initiative
  39. Experts put FREEDOM findings in perspective
  40. FDA Approves Expanded Indication for Sapien Valve
  41. FDA Grants Catheter-Based Heart Pump 510(k) Clearance
  42. Femto platform offers safe, accurate flap creation, early adopter says
  43. Femto platform offers safe, accurate flap creation, early adopter says
  44. Flu revaccination in HCWs may prevent 
infection in patients
  45. FU/mitomycin yielded positive long-term outcomes in anal carcinoma
  46. Gender May Influence Procedural Risk, Long-Term Survival with Coronary Stents
  47. Glued IOL scaffold technique aids nuclear fragment removal amid insufficient iris, capsular support
  48. Great progress made in infectious disease during 2012
  49. Growing Hearts, Evolving Technologies
  50. HERCULES: Renal Stenting Appears Promising for Patients with Uncontrolled Hypertension
  51. If a genetic test (described below) were readily available in your office, would you administer the test?
  52. If your children want to become physicians, then encourage them
  53. Impact of economy starting to be seen in Europe’s orthopaedic segment
  54. Increased awareness, education needed 
regarding hazardous effects of mold
  55. Individual potential may be key to addressing worldwide glaucoma epidemic
  56. Interoperability platform necessary to realize full benefit of meaningful use
  57. IOL insertion speed affects wound size
  58. Knee replacement did not affect contralateral knee loading at early follow-up
  60. Latest results add to concern about atypical bisphosphonate-related femur fractures
  61. Loosening attachments enables us to focus on a greater purpose
  62. Low CD4+ count increases risk for CMV retinitis in patients with HIV/AIDS
  63. Low CD4+ count increases risk for CMV retinitis in patients with HIV/AIDS
  64. Loyola names division director
  65. Lung specialist joins Ohio State
  66. Man presents with swollen red, painful eyes and subclinical hyperthyroidism
  67. Managing premium channel costs
  68. Missouri overturns limits on noneconomic damages
  69. Mobile health technologies improve communication with patients
  70. More than 22 million children not fully 
vaccinated with DTP worldwide
  71. More than half of patients regain thumb opposition after carpal tunnel release
  72. Multidisciplinary teams simplify complex foodborne outbreaks
  73. Multidisciplinary teams simplify control of foodborne outbreaks
  74. Multiple measurements can reduce errors in calculating pediatric IOL power
  75. Multiple resections may extend life of patients with aggressive brain cancer
  76. New treatment options for familial hypercholesterolemia on the horizon
  77. Newly Approved PTA Catheter Launched in US, International Markets
  78. OCT drives anti-VEGF treatment regimen for neovascular AMD
  79. Open technique offers safe, effective repair of HAGL lesions
  80. Ophthalmologists work globally to combat cornea transplant tissue shortages
  81. Optic nerve sheath fenestration treats idiopathic intracranial hypertension
  82. Optical devices have high rate of usage in patients with AMD
  83. Oral contraceptive use cited as a risk factor of VTE after hip arthroscopy
  84. OTE200: Metal-on-Metal Hips
  86. Radiation plus PCV chemotherapy may become 
standard of care for anaplastic oligodendrogliomas
  87. Registry data support sliding hip screws for simple two-part trochanteric fractures
  88. Registry study links gender, skiing and snowboarding ability to injury rates
  89. Researcher receives achievement award
  90. Researchers identify genetic signatures of castration-resistant prostate cancer
  91. Retrograde Halder humeral nails show benefits for distal third fracture treatment
  92. RIME
  93. Role of radiation in Hodgkin’s lymphoma treatment remains controversial
  94. Sanford Health hires director
  95. SD-OCT key to better diagnosis and management of AMD
  96. SD-tVEP technique may allow objective assessment of glaucoma damage
  97. Short-term sacroiliac joint fusion results for pelvic girdle pain predict long-term outcomes
  98. SightLife program in India focuses on reducing corneal blindness through transplants
  99. Sliding internal knot technique useful for late IOL dislocations
  100. Sloan-Kettering plans new facility
  101. Studies support several scenarios for treating wet AMD
  102. Study supports use of independent committee to mitigate adverse event bias
  103. Study yields no difference in IOP between SLT, drugs as initial therapy
  104. Subfoveal choroidal thickness significantly reduced in patients with diabetic retinopathy
  105. Surgeons offer insight into the pros and cons of emerging porous metal technologies
  106. Surgeons recommend double level osteotomies for severe genu varum deformity
  107. SWISS AMI
  108. Symptoms caused by 3D media offer opportunities to optimize vision
  109. Take the lead in diagnosing, treating, educating patients on 3D
  110. The case for fellowship: Why I came back
  111. The ethics of treatment-related harm in stem cell transplantation
  112. The 'Hybrid' Approach: The Key to CTO Crossing Success
  113. The Present State of Drug-Coated Balloons
  114. The Radial Revolution
  115. The Take Home: ESC Congress 2012
  116. Three physicians join AACI board
  117. Thyroid association honors physician
  118. Ticagrelor Results Consistent Regardless of Smoking Status
  119. Tighter femtosecond lens-softening grid reduces effective phaco time
  120. Transcatheter Valve Shown Feasible in First-in-Human Use
  121. Transepithelial phototherapeutic keratectomy during corneal collagen cross-linking boosts visual outcomes
  122. University names department chair
  123. US health, justice officials target EHR fraud in letter 
to health CEOs
  124. Vaccine shows promise in patients with metastatic melanoma
  125. WCO: Refraction should not be offered as stand-alone service
  126. Woman referred for retinal lesion, sudden decrease in vision
  127. XIMA
  128. Young man presents with gradual unilateral decrease in visual acuity
  129. Zeiss unveils latest OCT imaging platforms