
February 01, 2006 Articles

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  1. ‘Double filling’ reduces emulsification
  2. AAO researchers report on ocular surface disease, ocular effects of bypass surgery
  3. Adding thalidomide to treatment for early multiple myeloma improves survival
  4. Antiangiogenic therapy an advanced treatment for AMD
  5. Avoiding the most common life insurance planning mistakes
  6. Best protection against pterygium is avoiding exposure
  7. Beta-blockers less effective for hypertension than other agents
  8. CAFÉ: Hypertension drugs have different effects on central aortic pressures
  9. Cardiologists make progress but still face problems adopting electronic health records
  10. Children with below-elbow deficiencies do not need prostheses for everyday activities
  11. CK for presbyopia complements previous refractive procedures
  12. Clinic experience for fellows: skewed toward specialization?
  13. Cohesive OVD with dispersive characteristics provides flexibility
  14. Committee seeks understanding of post-LASIK keratectasia
  15. Compliance issues relating to presbyopia-correcting IOLs
  16. Corticotropin test reliable for excluding secondary adrenal insufficiency
  17. CRUSADE registry: Adherence to guidelines increasing
  18. Did you ever wonder about ... Neuroprotection?
  19. Direct-to-consumer advertising growing more popular
  20. Early results show favorable outcome for PRK in keratoconus suspects
  21. Electronic stethoscope uses ambient noise reduction technology
  22. Em Debate: Trabeculectomía vs. esclerectomía profunda
  23. En Discusión: Trabeculectomía vs. esclerectomía profunda
  24. Epi-LASIK has advantages over PRK, surgeons find
  25. Excimer laser corneal procedures dominant in Asia-Pacific regions
  26. Experts from around the globe join for first World Glaucoma Congress
  27. FDA approves aprepitant for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting
  28. FDA approves inhaled insulin for diabetes
  29. FDA approves trial for two-level cervical spine device
  30. FDA panel recommends approval for OTC orlistat 60 mg
  31. Glaucoma Foundation mission is to gather, guide research dollars
  32. Helical CT scans may provide good injury detection without plain films
  33. Higher-order aberrations reduced in large pupils with aspheric IOL
  34. How job hunters can get the best financial deal with a group practice
  35. Hydrophilic IOL developed for injection through 2.2-mm incision
  36. Immunomodulators become more common choices for ocular allergy therapy
  37. Implant technology improving, becoming ‘primary surgical option’ in some conditions
  38. Implantes de íris coloridas artificiais revelam grande potencial em estudos clínicos
  39. Irregular corneas may increase HOAs after laser surgery
  40. ISSUE II: Implantable electrocardiography monitor allows effective syncope therapy
  41. Italian ophthalmologists increasingly involved in aesthetic procedures
  42. IV and IP chemo delivered to abdomen improves survival in ovarian cancer patients
  43. IV insulin control adapted to intermediate-care units
  44. IV treatment for postmenopausal osteoporosis approved
  45. La telemedicina puede ayudar a identificar enfermedades que amenazan la visión
  46. Length of genital herpes outbreaks decreases with shortened treatment cycle
  47. Lens exchange can improve patient’s functional vision, surgeon says
  48. Less invasive oculoplastics technologies replacing some periorbital surgical procedures
  49. Letrozole reduces distant recurrence in hormone-receptor–positive breast cancer
  50. Like wine, new and early technology makes the conversation better
  51. Los implantes de iris artificial muestran resultados promisorios
  52. Low Framingham Risk: Guidelines not a substitute for clinical judgment
  53. Make the right call: When is an upper extremity condition work-related?
  54. Maryland gains steroid prescribing privileges
  55. Mitomycin-C helps alleviate corneal haze after PRK
  56. More effective treatments for diabetic foot ulcers on the horizon
  57. More powerful glaucoma meds would preserve long-term vision
  58. New cardiovascular imaging: the who, what, when and why
  59. New glaucoma devices take different approaches to IOP lowering
  60. New research column keeps editorial content contemporary
  61. New treatments in 2006 for patients with AMD
  62. Nursing home residents need support to take advantage of cataract surgery
  63. ODs on the frontline of Fabry disease diagnosis
  64. Orthopedists should assume educator role with patients with diabetic foot disease
  65. OSN Complications Consult column to provide advice on handling problematic cases
  66. Pay-for-performance programs need more evaluation before becoming the standard
  67. PDT: Its future may be in combination treatments
  68. 'Peer-review:' What does it mean?
  69. Pennsylvania Senate bill would eliminate joint and several liability
  70. Phakic IOLs induce fewer optical aberrations than LASIK
  71. Phase 3 data from ANCHOR trial favor Lucentis
  72. Potential drug interactions with imatinib therapy identified
  73. Precise ‘presbyometry’ key to conventional IOL presbyopia correction
  74. Problematic prostheses noted in Australian register
  75. Pupil dilation enhances screening for diabetic retinopathy by endocrinologists
  76. Report says U.K. patients with AMD made to wait too long for treatment
  77. Researchers explore implications of JAK2 in myeloproliferative disorders
  78. Resolving partnership issues
  79. Reviewing Lyme disease with facial palsy and meningitis
  80. Scaffolds, antibiotics and wound pressure show promise in treating diabetic foot sores
  81. Scaffolds, antibiotics show promise in treating diabetic foot sores
  82. Setting core values, goals helps practices hit right targets
  83. Some orthopedists not buying FDA’s direct-to-consumer advertising policy
  84. Spot the Rash
  85. STA-4783 plus standard therapy well-tolerated in non–small-cell lung cancer
  86. Strict management, medical protocols contribute to 18,000 consecutive cases without endophthalmitis
  87. Study: Low prevalence of late AMD found in Hispanic population
  88. Subtrochanteric shortening osteotomy recommended for total hip replacement
  89. Take advantage of last minute tax savings
  90. Tele-medicina pode ajudar a identificar patologias ameaçadoras à visão
  91. Tibial tunnel placement key in single-bundle ACL reconstruction
  92. Treating metastatic bone disease takes a multidisciplinary team
  93. UAB research follows trend toward pediatric care
  94. Valproate, antipsychotic drugs and HAART have additional endocrine disruptor effects
  95. Vancomycin: can we teach the mainstay of therapy for gram-positives new tricks?
  96. Variant gene an intriguing find for diabetes research
  97. Viscoadaptive OVD provides endothelial cell protection in special cases
  98. Volume of imaging procedures increasing
  99. Weinstein reviews year as AAOS president, looks ahead