
November 01, 2005 Articles

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  1. ACC/AHA heart failure guidelines: Increase ICD use
  2. A-Heft analysis: Improved HF outcome related to favorable effects on LV remodeling
  3. Alcon posts double-digit sales gains in third quarter
  4. Algunos cirujanos aún no están convencidos de las MICS
  5. Alguns cirurgiões ainda não convencidos das vantagens da MICS
  6. ASCOT-BPLA: Newer agents proved better than older agents
  7. ASCs offer significant profits and risks
  8. Biological treatments in medicine: unlimited possibilities
  9. British volunteer annually trains orthopaedists in Ethiopia
  10. Choosing a subspecialty: a moving target
  11. Clasifique la dificultad de la cirugía de catarata de antemano para evitar problemas más tarde
  12. Classificar de antemão a cirurgia de catarata para evitar problemas posteriores
  13. Clear corneal phaco may impair filtering bleb
  14. Confirm the diagnosis first, then choose a lens and solution
  15. Congress approves legislation to ban decorative contact lenses from over-the-counter sale
  16. Conventional IOL still often best choice for presbyopia correction
  17. Crush technique for bifurcation lesions appears effective
  18. Differences between Zernike, Fourier have limited significance for clinicians
  19. Discharging suitable patients the day after THR can become routine
  20. Drogas para DMRI são tópico principal do encontro da American Society of Retina Specialists
  21. Dry eye: no longer a treatment conundrum
  22. Dual-optic accommodating IOL stable in the eye, early studies show
  23. Eyedropper monitor measures degree of patient compliance
  24. FAA approves CK for presbyopia in private and commercial pilots
  25. FDA panel not yet prepared to set lumbar spine device guidelines
  26. Fixed combination glaucoma medications await U.S. approvals
  27. Genomics pioneer says ophthalmology ‘leading charge’ in applying research
  28. Great expectations before surgery are not associated with a better outcome
  29. Health care providers play important role in fall prevention
  30. How can we rationalize our health care system?
  31. Investigational dry eye drugs address the disease on several levels
  32. Limbal anesthesia as effective as topical for phaco, study finds
  33. Los medicamentos para la DMRE sobresalieron en la reunión de la American Society of Retina Specialists
  34. Medicare reimbursement policy change fails to meet objective
  35. Minimally invasive cervical foraminotomy remains preferred radiculopathy procedure
  36. Mixing and matching femoral, acetabular components OK
  37. N.C. board empowered to credential injections
  38. Novartis increases sales during third quarter
  39. ODs use immunomodulators to treat inflammatory component of dry eye
  40. Ophthalmologists need to identify, utilize their potential power
  41. Orthopedists, pedorthists collaborate to treat foot problems
  42. Pfizer profit drops in third quarter; ophthalmic posts gains
  43. Preop tests important for presbyopia correction
  44. Prevalence of Modic changes related to lower back pain
  45. Proactive problem solving can help your practice
  46. Pulse programming with variable duty cycle modifies energy delivery
  47. Reamed vs. unreamed nailing: Differences may be overblown
  48. Record LASIK malpractice award could encourage subsequent suits
  49. Refractive lens exchange improves BCVA for medium and high hyperopes
  50. Rheopheresis moves closer to FDA approval, availability in U.S.
  51. Rituximab, an effective first-line treatment for acute and relapsed TTP
  52. Round Table: Cost-effective vision screening, early amblyopia detection essential
  53. Second National Joint Registry report issued
  54. Study finds no relationship between lumbar fusion costs and effects
  55. Surgeons discuss ideal MICS irrigating choppers
  56. The continuing saga of the CV workforce shortage
  57. The LASIK market: patients seeking quality, lifetime care
  58. The pendulum swings again for distal radius fracture treatments
  59. This month, 100 years ago
  60. TKA patients at risk for pseudo-patella baja
  61. Torsional ultrasound technology allows coaxial phaco through 2.2-mm incision
  62. Trade groups oppose European device reclassifications
  63. Triple antiplatelet therapy before PCI not better than dual therapy
  64. Two-level TDR yields similar outcomes to single-level procedures
  65. Two-level TDR yields similar outcomes to single-level procedures
  66. Woman presents with worsening vision, family history of similar problems
  67. Ziemer introduces compact, mobile femtosecond laser