Psoriatic Arthritis Awareness

Philip J. Mease, MD

Mease reports numerous ties to industry.
July 03, 2023
2 min watch

VIDEO: 'Exciting advances' in psoriatic arthritis


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The most exciting advances have been new therapies that continue to be developed and approved for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis. We're having new therapies coming along in the interleukin17 class, including bimekizumab (Bimzelx, UCB), and then two very interesting nano bodies that are IL-17 inhibitors. We have a TYK2 inhibitor that's a member of the Janus kinase family that is approved for psoriasis, and will in the near future be approved for psoriatic arthritis, and other TYKS2s coming along that are going to be oral medications. We have the data on other JAK inhibitors as well. We have increasing use of the interleukin 23 class and now biosimilar forms of the TNFs, which will reduce cost. So there's lots on the smorgasbord for patients to choose from to keep them in remission or low disease activity.

I also want to mention that there are some major new initiatives going on. One with the IMI, which is an organization in Europe that is the equivalent of the NIH. And then the NIH itself with an AMP project where we're going to be learning much more at a biomolecular level about psoriatic arthritis. And in particular, learning about what predictors are there for a patient evolving from having psoriasis alone to having psoriatic arthritis. And possibly modifying or even heading off at the pass the appearance of psoriatic arthritis.