Psoriatic Arthritis Awareness

July 04, 2023
1 min watch

VIDEO: Shared decision-making in psoriatic arthritis


Editor’s note: This is a previously posted video, and the below is an automatically generated transcript to be used for informational purposes. Please notify if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

I think that patient shared decision-making is extremely important because we really want our patients to be taking these medicines not just the first week, but the not just the first month, but within the year. So these decisions need to be made with your patients so they understand what the options are, they understand their disease activity, and why we're choosing particular drugs for their disease. So, I do think it's important to educate them. I also think that there is, at least in psoriatic arthritis where there's very complex and heterogeneous presentation depending on how they present, we will most likely co-manage with other disciplines. So, whether it's dermatologist for psoriasis, whether it's an ophthalmologist for a uveitis flare, whether it is having some IBD-related symptoms and GI. So as you can tell, depending on how they present in their comorbidities, we can tweak the medications that we might recommend to decrease their, you know, other side effects that they can have or how they manage their disease based on their domain. So, there's lots of sort of treatment decisions based on how they present.

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Uzma Jalal Haque, MBBS, MD and Ana-Maria Orbai, MD, MHS

Uzma Jalal Haque, MBBS, MD and Ana-Maria Orbai, MD, MHS

Uzma Jalal Haque, MBBS, MD and Ana-Maria Orbai, MD, MHS