Psoriatic Arthritis Awareness

July 04, 2023
2 min watch

VIDEO Impact of awareness on psoriatic arthritis diagnosis management


Editor’s note: This is a previously posted video, and the below is an automatically generated transcript to be used for informational purposes. Please notify if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

So I think this is really important because the earlier we're able to diagnose someone with psoriatic arthritis, the easier it is to treat them, as well as the easier it is to get a good outcome. So the more severe and the more damage that you can get, in fact, you know, having, you know, erosions already at presentation are much more irreversible than they are when we first see initial joint issue. So we're always trying to diagnose earlier so that our outcomes and our treatments work better. The second thing is, you know, whether or not, you know, we are at precision medicine where we can, you know, hopefully a patient comes to see me, not only do I just assess their disease activity, but is there something in their blood work or their imaging that will help inform me that they're going to be a fast progressor or they're gonna be a slower progressor, and if they're a fast progressor, I should be thinking about these sets of medicines, and if they're a slower progressor, I should be thinking about these sets of medicines. So a more personalized way to approach, 'cause as I've mentioned before, we are doing better, but we are still at a sort of trial and error period where we are not really getting any predictors ahead of time, although we have some notions of some observational trials that we can sort of look back on to see which groups do better with certain types of medications for psoriatic arthritis. We're still a little bit further along to actually being able to predict in a more precise way which medicines will work best. But I think that these head-to-head trials that I mentioned earlier may become more part of our, you know, evidence-based medicine and hopefully be able to differentiate between these mechanisms of actions for psoriatic arthritis.

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Uzma Jalal Haque, MBBS, MD and Ana-Maria Orbai, MD, MHS

Uzma Jalal Haque, MBBS, MD and Ana-Maria Orbai, MD, MHS

Uzma Jalal Haque, MBBS, MD and Ana-Maria Orbai, MD, MHS