Art rendering of the lungs with one side blue and the other red

Asthma Clinical Case Review

Case 3: Baseline Characteristics


Roshni Naik, MD, allergist at Mount Sinai Health System, discusses baseline characteristics for a case of severe asthma with nasal polyps:

"His physical exam, vitals were normal.

On exam, pertinent finding was wheezing in the right lower lung base. His labs were pertinent for Immunoglobulin E at 73 and it was positive to dust mites, dog and cockroach.

Complete blood count showed a blood eosinophil level of 500. His spirometry with Bronchodilator showed obstructive defect with significant bronchodilator response and FEV1 at 73%, after bronchodilator increased to 84% and FEV1 or FVC at 66%.

His fractional exhaled nitric oxide or FENO test showed 72, which is indicated of eosinophilic inflammation. Imaging showed chest x-ray of clear lungs, no pleural effusion, or pneumothorax, normal pulmonary vasculature and hila and normal cardiomediastinal silhouettes."
