Top in cardiology: AHA calculator may reduce care eligibility; predicting atherosclerosis
Approximately 16 million U.S. adults who qualified for statin and/or antihypertensive therapy would not be eligible for primary prevention under the American Heart Association’s new PREVENT risk calculator, researchers reported in JAMA.
Implementation of PREVENT could lead to an additional 107,000 heart attacks and strokes over 10 years, according to a study of 7,765 U.S. adults who were evaluated using the PREVENT equations instead of the older Pooled Cohort Equations.

“Updating risk estimation has the potential to change recommended care for millions of Americans, with substantial implications for the national incidence of heart attack, stroke and diabetes,” James Diao, MD, MPhil, a resident physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, told Healio. “Reconsideration of treatment thresholds has never been more important ... Our data may motivate close monitoring for differential effects on medication prescribing and access.”
It was the top story in cardiology last week.
In another top story, researchers reported that elevated lipoprotein(a) was associated with the presence of coronary plaque in asymptomatic patients who had a calcium score of 0, making it a potential marker for early atherosclerosis intervention.
Read these and more top stories in cardiology below:
New risk calculator could reduce eligibility for statins, BP drugs by 16 million US adults
Using the American Heart Association’s new PREVENT risk calculator would mean reducing eligibility for statin and/or antihypertensive therapy by approximately 16 million U.S. adults, researchers reported in JAMA. Read more.
Lp(a) could inform risk stratification of patients with a calcium score of 0
Elevated lipoprotein(a), despite a coronary artery calcium score of 0, could portend coronary plaque burden and may be a potential marker for early atherosclerosis intervention, researchers reported. Read more.
Top-line data suggest improved outcomes, symptoms with tirzepatide for HFpEF and obesity
Tirzepatide significantly reduced HF outcomes and symptoms for patients with HF and preserved ejection fraction and obesity, according to the top-line results of the phase 3 SUMMIT clinical trial. Read more.
Health, diet education during elementary school years may mitigate progression of obesity
Early initiation of a school-based health education intervention limited adiposity marker progression in elementary-aged children in Spain, researchers reported. Read more.
Consider patient needs for optimal blood pressure benefits with obesity drugs, surgery
Obesity accounts for much of the risk for primary hypertension, and a treatment plan that could address both issues could substantially reduce a person’s underlying risk for cardiovascular disease and other complications. Read more.