AMD Awareness

Avni P. Finn, MD, MBA

Finn reports consulting for Allergen, Apellis Pharmaceuticals and Genentech.

April 11, 2023
1 min watch

VIDEO: The biggest areas of unmet need in AMD


Editor’s note: This is a previously posted video, and the below is an automatically generated transcript to be used for informational purposes. Please notify if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

So, I'll start with wet AMD because we've actually made some more progress there. So as I alluded to before, the biggest area of unmet need in wet macular degeneration is actually durability of treatment, so we have really safe, we have efficacious treatment options right now, but there's a high treatment burden. And so the next treatments coming down the pipeline are really aimed at increasing durability of treatment, along with efficacy. For dry AMD, we really don't have any treatments right now. So, there's a huge unmet burden. There are ongoing clinical trials, looking at ways to slow progression of dry AMD, but not necessarily to reverse the damage caused by dry AMD. And so once we, you know, hopefully have a treatment that can slow the progression of dry AMD. So, slow the loss of photo receptors, slow the development of atrophy, I think the next step would actually be neuroprotection for both wet and dry AMD, which means preserving and preventing damage to the photo receptors.