AMD Awareness

Yasha Modi, MD

Modi reports consulting for Genentech and Zeiss, and serving on the advisory board for Apellis and Iveric Bio.

June 15, 2023
1 min watch

VIDEO: Emerging treatments for AMD


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The landscape for macular degeneration in terms of emerging treatments is exciting both on the exudative side as well as the non-exudative, dry macular degeneration side. And the exudative side, we've already talked about Faricimab, but there is also eight milligram aflibercept that had positive results in the PULSAR study, and that indicates that very likely, we'll have another drug available in the market to increase durability in exudative macular degeneration.

Now on the geographic atrophy side, we have an FDA approval of a medication called pegcetacoplan, which has demonstrated really incredible results in slowing the risk of the progression of dry macular degeneration. Now, this is not something that we would probably give for all of our patients with advanced geographic atrophy. We know that patients where they have extrafoveal geographic atrophy or lesions greater than 250 microns away from the foveal center benefited the most. And this is important because when we think about treatment, we wanna think about prevention and we wanna try and treat people earlier rather than later.