AMD Awareness

Yasha Modi, MD

Modi reports consulting for Genentech and Zeiss, and serving on the advisory board for Apellis and Iveric Bio.

June 15, 2023
1 min watch

VIDEO: When to start treatment for geographic atrophy


Editor’s note: This is an automatically generated transcript. Please notify if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

When considering the decision to start treatment from geographic atrophy, it's really important to know that patients are gonna have a high treatment burden of injections. There is not going to be any tangible benefit perceived to the patient. In fact, really they're only going to have sort of the adverse effects of the injections themselves and that can be discomfort from multiple injections, Betadine causing burning on the surface of the eyes. There's a very minimal risk of infection and then a small risk of damage to the optic nerve, but the upside value is that as we do these injections more and more, as we get to one year and two years, that's when we really start seeing the slowing of geographic atrophy, so for those patients with extrafoveal geographic atrophy, I think it's really important to counsel them on the fact that while you may not perceive what your future looks like, if these lesions grow and continue to involve the fovea, there can be severe vision loss.