AMD Awareness

Yasha Modi, MD

Modi reports consulting for Genentech and Zeiss, and serving on the advisory board for Apellis and Iveric Bio.

June 15, 2023
1 min watch

VIDEO: Unmet needs of patients with AMD


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I think with AMD, one of the really frustrating parts is in the exudative spectrum is that over time, patients still continue to lose vision. And that's from progressive atrophy or fibrosis. And to date, we really haven't had great medications targeting fibrosis in macular degeneration, and it's really hard to predict who's likely to develop this. Now, as for the geographic atrophy component, while we have treatments now to slow the progression of geographic atrophy, and soon we may have a second treatment, we cannot stop GA progression. There are some interesting early phase studies, looking at sort of gene therapy for the treatment of geographic atrophy, but those are very early on in its treatment outset.