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August 08, 2019
1 min read

Partnership launches center of excellence for NASH research in India

HistoIndex and the Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences jointly launched a center of excellence in India to aid diagnostics and clinical trials for the treatment of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, according to a press release.

The center of excellence will integrate HistoIndex’s second-harmonic generation (SHG) imaging digital pathology expertise with the clinical and research capabilities of the Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences (ILBS).

“ILBS is constantly working toward the mission of developing a facility with international standards, which consists of a comprehensive and modern setup for diagnosis and treatment, and an advanced center for the dedicated research and training in the field of liver diseases, including liver transplantation, gall bladder and biliary diseases, and allied specialties,” Shiv Kumar Sarin, MD, director of the ILBS, said in the release. “We are pleased to collaborate on the [center of excellence] in [second-harmonic] imaging, which will be the first of its kind in India with immense potential to serve our country's health care sector.”

HistoIndex’s SHG technology is currently involved in more than 10 clinical trials for either NASH or hepatitis B.

“HistoIndex is honored to partner with an esteemed institution like ILBS to tackle the NASH epidemic head-on in India with patient-centric and evidence-based diagnostics,” Gideon Ho, PhD, chief commercial officer of HistoIndex, said in the release. “Furthermore, we are glad to play a role in helping the Indian medical community to better manage the clinical care for patients suffering from NASH. This condition is reversible if the appropriate treatment is administered early, and we are in the race to help pharmaceutical companies discover the most effective treatment for NASH.”
