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September 11, 2024
4 min read

CDC data reveal three social drivers that influence suicide risk

Chronic Hepatitis News

September 10, 2024
2 min read
HBeAg-seroconversion in childhood among predictors of functional cure of chronic HBV

HBeAg-seroconversion in childhood among predictors of functional cure of chronic HBV

Hepatitis B e-antigen seroconversion in childhood and low hepatitis B surface antigen titers after seroconversion independently predicted functional cure in chronic HBV-infected patients followed from childhood through adulthood.

August 30, 2024
2 min read

Even with HCV cure, surveillance for portal hypertension, HCC ‘should be mandatory’

Even with HCV cure, surveillance for portal hypertension, HCC ‘should be mandatory’

Despite achieving cure with direct-acting antivirals, patients with chronic hepatitis C virus-related decompensated cirrhosis remain at risk for progression of portal hypertension, further decompensation and hepatocellular carcinoma.

August 30, 2024
2 min read

Early declines in serum hepatitis B RNA levels may ‘serve as independent predictors’ of HCC

Early declines in serum hepatitis B RNA levels may ‘serve as independent predictors’ of HCC

Declines in serum hepatitis B virus RNA at the first and second year of treatment with nucleos(t)ide analogues correlated with risk for hepatocellular carcinoma and may serve as independent predictors of cancer development.


September 11, 2024
4 min read

CDC data reveal three social drivers that influence suicide risk

August 19, 2024
2 min watch

VIDEO: Without universal screening, ‘tiny’ hepatitis D could ‘wreak havoc’ globally

VIDEO: Without universal screening, ‘tiny’ hepatitis D could ‘wreak havoc’ globally

In a Healio video exclusive, Edward V. Loftus Jr., MD, warned that, despite being the smallest virus capable of causing human disease, hepatitis delta virus holds an outsized global impact as the most severe form of viral hepatitis.

July 26, 2024
4 min read

‘It’s time for action’: World Hepatitis Day calls to end an ‘entirely preventable disease’

‘It’s time for action’: World Hepatitis Day calls to end an ‘entirely preventable disease’

Every year on July 28th, clinicians and researchers recognize World Hepatitis Day to bring awareness to one of the world’s deadliest but preventable viruses and continue efforts to meet the global goal of eliminating viral hepatitis by 2030

June 07, 2024
3 min watch

VIDEO: Bulevirtide plus PEG-IFN a-2a potentially ‘viable finite therapy’ for chronic HDV

VIDEO: Bulevirtide plus PEG-IFN a-2a potentially ‘viable finite therapy’ for chronic HDV

In a Healio video exclusive, Anu Osinusi, MD, MPH, reports that combination bulevirtide 10 mg with pegylated interferon alfa-2a for chronic hepatitis D virus infection resulted in the highest rates of undetectable HDV RNA through 48 weeks.

May 16, 2024
4 min read

CDC: Learning ‘ABCs of viral hepatitis’ may help boost early testing, vaccination

CDC: Learning ‘ABCs of viral hepatitis’ may help boost early testing, vaccination

During Hepatitis Awareness Month, the CDC and allied public health organizations launched educational campaigns to raise awareness of viral hepatitis, deflate stigma around the infection and encourage early testing and vaccination.

May 14, 2024
1 min read

FDA rejects expanded use of Dynavax’s four-dose hepatitis B vaccine for hemodialysis

FDA rejects expanded use of  Dynavax’s four-dose hepatitis B vaccine for hemodialysis

The FDA has declined to approve Dynavax’s supplemental biologics license application for the expanded use of its four-dose hepatitis B vaccine regimen in adult patients on hemodialysis, according to a manufacturer’s press release.

January 30, 2024
2 min read

In age of DAAs, hepatitis C infections decline among people with HIV

In age of DAAs, hepatitis C infections decline among people with HIV

Hepatitis C primary infection and reinfection incidences declined after the introduction of access to direct-acting antiviral hepatitis C treatments, researchers found.

January 17, 2024
2 min read

Scaling up HCV testing, treatment in prisons highly cost-effective

Scaling up HCV testing, treatment in prisons highly cost-effective

Scaling up hepatitis C testing and treatment in prisons effectively reduced HCV incidence and was a cost-effective option compared with existing services, data from a study in Australian prisons showed.

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