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February 23, 2023
2 min watch

VIDEO: Your next chapter could be ‘CEO of a publicly traded company’

RANCHO PALOS VERDES, Calif. — In a Healio video exclusive, Marla Dubinsky, MD, provided advice on how physicians can think outside the box and build a business “around great ideas” that they are passionate about.

“I had the pleasure of speaking about what it’s like to build a company around great ideas, around yourself and your colleagues, [which] is not something we typically talk about, to [spotlight] people’s journeys,” Dubinsky, professor of medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine and CEO of Trellus Health, said during the Scrubs and Heels Summit.

“I really brought this whole new idea around thinking outside the box and what your next chapter could be,” she said. “You never know; one of those could be the CEO of a publicly traded company.”