VIDEO: Serum creatinine linked to adverse events in HRS-AKI treated with terlipressin
In this exclusive video, Andrew Allegretti, MD, MSc, discussed a post hoc analysis assessing serum creatinine in patients treated with terlipressin for hepatorenal syndrome-acute kidney injury.
The research was presented at The Liver Meeting Digital Experience.
Allegretti, director of critical care nephrology at Massachusetts General Hospital, and colleagues performed the study on data from 26 sites in the United Kingdom. Hepatorenal syndrome response served as the primary outcome. There were 203 patients treated with terlipressin.
“Most importantly, patients on serum creatinine greater than 5 mg group, specifically looking at respiratory failure, volume overload and pulmonary adenoma, as this was a big signal found in the CONFIRM trial,” Allegretti said. “We saw about 30% rates of pulmonary adenoma in that same serum creatinine greater than 5 mg group compared with about 10% to 15% serum creatinine lower than 5 mg group.”
He said there is a threshold of serum creatinine above 5 mg where terlipressin becomes less efficacious but also results in adverse events.