Hereditary Angioedema Awareness

Douglas H. Jones, MD

Jones reports no relevant financial disclosures.
May 15, 2024
1 min watch

VIDEO: Importance of acknowledging, validating patients’ challenges in hereditary angioedema


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The first thing is just acknowledging, acknowledging their situation, acknowledging their frustrations, acknowledging and validating what they go through day in and day out. I think a lot of people just first of all, want to make sure they're heard and validated because so many of these patients have gone 10 to 15 years without any of that validation. Some have been called drug seeking and crazy, and misdiagnosed, and given a bunch of medications that they already know aren't going to work, but they aren't heard. They basically are given those medications because it's part of a protocol. And so, just first of all, as you try to address somebody's quality of life, I think validating what they've been through, where they're at, acknowledging the seriousness of what they have, but then also addressing them as a person, not as a disease, and not letting their disease define them, but really honing in on them as a person and their needs. Again, the mental, emotional, physical, those psychosocial aspects that go into their treatment as a whole.