Hereditary Angioedema Awareness

Douglas H. Jones, MD

Jones reports no relevant financial disclosures.
May 15, 2024
2 min watch

VIDEO: More oral medication options needed for hereditary angioedema


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Having more oral options available, I think, is a massive unmet need. So many of the treatments in times past have either been with a subcutaneous injection or an IV infusion, and the patients would really get needle fatigue and sometimes would even delay treatment just because a needle was involved. We have a medication currently that's oral for what we call prophylactic or preventative therapy, but we don't have any acute or rescue medications that are oral. And I think those would be kind of some key unmet needs. The biggest unmet need is, has nothing to do with actually any kind of medication. It has everything to do with insurance. They provide kind of the biggest barrier to treatment, which is sad to say. The struggles and the frustrations that both me as a provider and the patients experience with insurance is mind numbing and mind blowing at times. And it's such a massive challenge, just a constant, constant, relentless kind of battle with them just to get patients access to treatment. The third unmet need that I would see is they need more kind of psychosocial support addressing the mental, emotional aspects of the disease burden. And not only is there a disease burden, but there's also treatment burden currently. And both of those have to be addressed. And I think those aspects really need to be thought about, looked at, and patients better supported.