Hereditary Angioedema Awareness

Douglas H. Jones, MD

Jones reports no relevant financial disclosures.
May 15, 2024
2 min watch

VIDEO: Patient education key to family planning in hereditary angioedema


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That's a really valid concern they have. And for me, more than anything, I just want people to be well-informed and so they can make the best, most informed decision. And in my opinion, and some may disagree with me on this, but in my opinion, to be well-informed, you would want to know what your genetics are and you know, what those chances are, and what the risks are of potentially passing it down. Not that that prevents anything, it's just you want to know what the risks are, what the chances are, so that if it is passed on, we have early detection, we have, you know, proper systems in place to support that and help them, and help them achieve their goals. And, again, I just think education is the thing that's empowering. I'm not a fan of fear-based messaging. I'm not a fan of, you know, some kind of agenda. It's just, I always want to just be as straightforward as I can with my patients. Sensitive and compassionate to their life, and what they want to accomplish, what's important to them. And my role as a doctor and as a healer, is to just support them the best that I can with accurate information.