Hereditary Angioedema Awareness

Douglas H. Jones, MD

Jones reports no relevant financial disclosures.
May 15, 2024
1 min watch

VIDEO: Emerging type of hereditary angioedema sees increasing recognition


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There's a lot of latest developments. You know, there's a number of medications that are in the pipeline. I think one of the nice things that I see more frequently in the study and treatment of HAE is taking into account the mental and emotional aspects, the anxiety, the toll that it takes on a person. And then there's also kind of an emerging type of HAE that's being more and more recognized. So in times past, we would traditionally focus on the more common types, which are type one and two. But then there's also kind of this new emerging type that's called HAE with normal C-1 inhibitor. That is, you know, starting to get more recognition and number of publications out now that help to identify this group.