October 01, 2015 Articles
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- 17th EFORT Annual Congress in Geneva
- 31st APAO Congress in conjunction with SOE
- Air pollutants linked to low GPAs in elementary school students
- Analysis suggests publication bias present in NIH-funded studies
- Antiplatelet, anticoagulant therapy may lead to earlier bladder cancer diagnosis
- Bacterial vs. viral meningitis
- Benzodiazepine prescribing increases in older adults
- Better radial tilt reduction of distal radius fractures possible with below-elbow casts
- BLOG: 86-year-old male with obscure, occult GI bleeding
- BLOG: Pope Francis encourages all to be a loving presence to others
- ClarVista obtains CE mark for Harmoni modular IOL system
- DaVita to establish operations in Brazil
- Double embolic protection performs well in high-risk carotid lesions
- Dual pathway inhibition prolongs advanced melanoma survival beyond 2 years
- Dysregulated ErbB4 splicing associated with lower parvalbumin levels in schizophrenia
- ED-treated and fatal injuries cost US $671 billion in 2013
- EFORT Open Reviews: submit your paper now!
- Endoscopists recommend shorter intervals than guidelines suggest for over one-third of colonoscopies
- Failure-to-rescue rates following lung resection greater at high-mortality hospitals
- FDA approves Juvederm Ultra XC for lip augmentation
- FDA approves Opdivo plus Yervoy for BRAF V600 wild-type melanoma
- Food and cancer: 5 studies in the spotlight
- Global heart disease, mortality rates declined over last 32 years
- Guest commentary: Promising novel therapies for CDI and the need for better management strategies
- Guidance needed to manage preoperative, as well as postoperative anemia in elective surgery
- Health apps often transmit personal user information without encryption
- High dietary sodium and potassium may worsen chronic kidney disease
- Hip-back symptom treatment involves more than THA or spine fusion alone
- History of psoriasis associated with major depression
- HTO combined with abrasion and microfracture seen as effective for medial OA, varus malalignment
- ID, clinical community hold key role in gain-of-function research debate
- Increased systemic corticosteroid exposure raises risk for complications among those with severe asthma
- InnFocus completes $32.8 million financing for MicroShunt system
- Islamist insurgency, conflict influence polio eradication efforts
- Knee scores improved after medial open wedge HTO for OA, osteonecrosis
- Lipid screening in children declined in recent years
- Menopausal symptom distress elevated by recent abuse
- MitraClip reduced in-hospital MACCE in real-world population
- More study needed regarding use of anti-VEGF in ROP
- Most women unlikely to receive genetic counseling prior to BRCA screening
- Multiarterial CABG improves long-term outcomes
- Multidisciplinary prevention campaign reduces catheter use, CAUTIs
- New formula predicts liver volume for live donor liver transplantation
- NIH awards $144 million for research on environmental effects on children
- NIMH calls for increased efforts in suicide prevention
- Nintedanib shows promise for treatment of HCC
- Orthopaedic trainee assessments should include a range of evaluations
- OTE200: Simultaneous bilateral TJR
- Patients with ankylosing spondylitis, limited resources may improve with on-demand infliximab
- Patients with moderate-to-severe RA may benefit from olokizumab
- PCP burnout strongly associated with adverse work environment
- Presenter: Arthroscopic Latarjet technique has advantages, but steep learning curve
- Recent HCV patients show more complications than decades prior
- Reduced-nicotine cigarettes minimize nicotine exposure, number of cigarettes smoked
- Retinopathy of prematurity: Where are we today?
- Satellite Healthcare introduces single-use dialyzer policy for all hemodialysis patients
- Secondary IOL may treat refractive errors after keratoplasty
- Severe obesity worsens cardiometabolic risk factors in children, young adults
- Six recent developments in skin cancer
- SLACK Incorporated launches Healio Rheumatology
- Stable fixation, avoiding growth plates may improve pediatric ankle fracture outcomes
- Survey reveals majority of adults do not recognize common concussion symptoms
- Take a common sense approach to surgery on the lateral retinaculum of the patella
- Timing of menopausal HT initiation influences risk for CHD
- Vitamin D supplementation increases muscle strength, reduces falls in postmenopausal women
- Women more willing to use vaginal estrogen in tablet form compared with cream
- Wright Medical and Tornier N.V. complete merger