Issue: October 2015
October 01, 2015
2 min read

17th EFORT Annual Congress in Geneva

Abstract submission opened: 15 September 2015

Issue: October 2015

There are only a few days lefts to submit an abstract. The deadline is 30 October 2015 at 15:59 CET. Please note that there will be no extension to the deadline!

Seize the opportunity to present results that can potentially have a significant impact on the practice of other colleagues and submit your work now!

Interactive Expert Exchange (IEE) sessions: What are they and why should you attend?

The 17th EFORT Annual Congress to be held in Geneva from 1 to 3 June 2016 will host eight Interactive Expert Exchange (IEE) sessions targeted for confirmed specialists and senior consultants.


Each one of the Interactive Expert Exchange (IEE) sessions lasts 2 hours, including 1 hour for the session and 1 hour for the discussion. The IEE format allows a direct and broad interaction between faculty members with an in-depth expertise in a given topic and includes a limited group of participants.

The aim is to allow a high involvement of specialists with a very specific expertise and to analyze the evolution and changes in the medical opinion of a target audience. IEE sessions could be associated with a “closed” discussion within a small group of surgeons in a more informal set-up.

The IEEs are conducted by five faculty members who form a discussion panel which introduces specific cases related to the main topic of the session. The IEE session structure is divided as follows:

1st Part - Introduction (10 min): Moderator introduces five topics and audience answers up to ten open questions during an initial voting session.

2nd Part - Presentation (50 min): Speakers present evidence linked to each topic and to the questions which have been addressed previously as a theoretical symposium.

3rd Part - Discussion (1 hour): Each speaker discusses cases related to their topic and introduces the question What would you do? to promote the input of the audience. In addition, a group of challengers are invited to interact. A conclusion is formulated after an exchange of opinions and a second voting session. IEE sessions in Geneva are:

Thursday 2 June 2016, 10:15-12:30

  • Anterior Shoulder Instability - Current Concepts
    Shoulder and Upper Trauma
    Room: Copenhagen
  • New Approach, New Components, New Problems?
    Pelvis, Hip & Femur
    Room: Istanbul
  • Clinical Research On Implant Innovation
    Basic Sciences
    Room: London
  • Meniscus: How To Fix It?
    Knee & Lower Leg
    Room: Paris
Interactive Expert Exchange

Friday 3 June 2016, 10:15-12:30

  • Strategies For Fragility Fractures In The Upper Limb
    Shoulder & Upper Arm Trauma
    Room: Copenhagen
  • Lax And Painful Shoulder
    Shoulder & Upper Arm
    Room: Istanbul
  • Clinical Judgement In The Aged Spine
    Room: London
  • Decision Making In DDH: From Adolescents To Early Adult Life
    Pediatric Orthopaedics
    Room: Paris

Primary target audience & capacity: Confirmed specialists and senior consultants maximum capacity per session is 100 participants

Registration fee: Early-bird: 40 euros / Late: 45 euros / Onsite: 49 euros per session
Pre-registration is mandatory.

Mark Paterson Travelling Fellowship 2016 - application now open