
June 01, 2013 Articles

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  1. 4-month-old with new onset petechiae on bilateral lower extremities
  2. A Trial of Vitamin D Therapy in Patients with Heart Failure
  3. Accommodating IOL technology continues to evolve
  4. Achieving the premium ocular surface
  5. Addition of lapatinib to paclitaxel extended survival in women with HER-2 breast cancer
  7. Advanced Course in Total Hip and Knee Replacement – a full-day course during the 14th EFORT Congress in Istanbul
  8. Advisory committee members appointed
  9. Anterior segment tomography shows utility in predicting poor outcomes with premium lenses
  10. Antimicrobial resistance: Current challenges and priorities
  11. Anti-VEGF benefits phakic, pseudophakic eyes with wet AMD
  12. APAO features Korean Ophthalmological Society
  13. Applications, advances in cross-linking offer treatment opportunities for variety of patients
  14. AREDS2 continues to provide useful guidance on nutritional supplements
  15. AREDS2 explores nutritional management of AMD progression
  16. Available drug information on the Internet: A focus on vetted sites
  17. Back to the future: The story of colistin
  18. Bausch + Lomb announces launch of Incise microincision IOL in Europe
  19. Bausch + Lomb to distribute PhysIOL lens to international markets
  20. BLOCK HF
  22. Calibrated gauge simulates force of patient manipulation after cataract surgery
  23. C-CURE
  24. Choroidal melanoma
  25. Commentary: New glaucoma procedures offer many benefits for patients
  26. CPAP improved glucose in patients with prediabetes, sleep apnea
  27. CREST
  28. Custodial rights of the criminally accused: Miranda v Arizona
  29. Despite increased scrutiny, bias remains ‘concerning’ component of cancer research
  30. DMV should determine patients’ fitness to drive
  31. E. coli, P. aeruginosa common in public pools
  32. EFORT Academy
  33. EFORT e-Science - sessions from the 2012 Berlin Congress now available free of charge
  34. EFORTnet
  35. Experts skeptical of compounding pharmacy practices
  36. Farewell readers, friends and colleagues of Orthopedics Today
  37. Femtosecond laser offers advantages in challenging cataract cases
  38. Few textbook answers when making decisions amid significant uncertainty
  39. FFRCT: A new paradigm for predicting ischemia
  40. First sustained-release DME treatment now available in Germany
  41. Fixing broken practice boards takes care, consideration of many factors
  42. Gaps closing in immunization coverage rates
  43. GM-CSF plus ipilimumab extended OS in metastatic melanoma
  44. Good function, but significant foot and ankle pain seen after tibial shaft fractures
  45. Health care reform prompts ODs, OMDs to focus on integrated eye care
  46. Heeding the call for action against diabetes, obesity
  47. Hypertension is nothing to sneeze at
  48. Improve efficiencies with
  49. Increased exposure may be cause of rising HPV-related cancer rate
  50. Intraosseous regional administration in TKA allows use of low dose vancomycin
  51. Intra-Tenon’s injection of MMC during trabeculectomy improves dose control, management
  52. ISAKOS past president Paolo Aglietti dies
  53. Lorcaserin: New agent in the obesity armamentarium
  54. Lyme disease: Staying on track
  55. Maintenance pazopanib extends DFS in women with advanced ovarian cancer
  56. Making the decision to transition to laser cataract surgery
  57. MD Anderson names provost, executive VP
  58. Mechanical bowel preparation before colon resection reduced mortality, cancer recurrence
  59. Micro-stents progressively defining their role in glaucoma management
  60. Micro-stents progressively defining their role in glaucoma management
  61. Micro-stents promising, but more data needed
  62. Mid-term results show approach, large THA head may protect against early dislocation
  63. Mid-term results show approach, large THA heads may protect against early dislocation
  64. Minocycline to treat central retinal vein occlusion
  65. Multi-spectral imaging enhances visualization of deep retinal structures
  66. Myocardial infarction more likely after anti-VEGF injections than PDT
  67. NEI-led national genotyping, phenotyping network hits 4,000 samples accrued
  68. New guidelines offer help in diagnoses,
 treatment of C. difficile infection
  69. Next-generation genetic test for AMD has increased specificity
  70. Nivolumab induced long-lasting response in stage IV melanoma
  71. Oncolytic immunotherapy improved durable response, survival in metastatic melanoma
  72. Online medical professionalism statement targets social media use
  73. OSNE 300 Survey, Question 1
  74. OSNE 300 Survey, Question 2
  75. OTE200: Pre-habilitation
  76. Parents’ attitudes may influence how 
children’s pain managed at home
  77. Patient presents for management of wet AMD
  78. Performing DMEK in the presence of an open-loop anterior chamber IOL
  79. Perth CT protocol shows impact of tibial component rotation on TKR outcomes
  80. Pharmacologic advances, opportunities in 
C. difficile infection management
  81. Pharmacotherapy of helminth infections: 
Pinworm and roundworm
  82. Physician and PA teamwork: How to determine the best role for your PA
  83. Physicians discuss use of hyaluronic acid and platelet-rich plasma in the treatment of osteoarthritis
  84. Platelet-rich plasma promises pain relief and healing, but remains controversial
  85. Ponatinib: Another new treatment for CML
  86. Preop LASIK exam reveals intraepithelial infiltrates
  88. Radiation increased risk for cardiovascular events later in life
  89. Reasons unknown for recent increase in vancomycin use
  90. Regimen may help avoid radiotherapy in primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma
  91. Remembering an Infectious Disease News Editorial Board member: Alan Tice, MD
  92. Repacking of anti-VEGF may affect quality profile in intraocular injection use
  93. Report outlines ‘vast variations’ in hospital costs
  94. Researchers attempt to progress cross-linking in the US
  95. Retinal vessel movement measurable in eyes with epiretinal membrane
  96. Science of Epigenetics: Lamarck was right after all
  97. SD-OCT used to evaluate anterior chamber inflammation
  98. Second UN Global Road Safety Week focused on worldwide pedestrian safety
  99. Society installs new president
  100. Special considerations should be taken with elderly drivers
  101. Specialist relates pearls for diagnosing, treating uveitis
  102. Surgeon’s experience a key factor in femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery outcomes
  103. Surgical intervention best as second line of treatment for most meniscal tears
  104. Swiss health care system faces challenges in sustaining high standards
  105. Targeted therapies continue to improve outcomes in HER-2–positive breast cancer
  106. Technique allows for hip arthroscopy distraction without perineal post
  107. Telemedicine facilitates diagnosis, management of diabetes in remote locations
  108. Test for gene mutation that causes corneal dystrophy now available in US
  109. The most common STI you have never heard of
  110. Thyroid tissue uptake represents confounding variable in detection of regional metastasis
  111. Tissue engineering, synthetic scaffolds and other options may enhance cartilage repair
  112. Two approaches used for stem cell therapy for retinal disease
  113. Uncertainty in the era of health care reform
  114. Unknown toxin may be cause of pertussis cough
  115. Unknown toxin may be cause of pertussis cough
  116. VIRGO
  117. Vitamin E-enhanced polyethylene liners show low wear in THA performed for OA
  118. Waiting lists for orthopaedic surgery have bad — and good — points
  119. When not to biopsy a hypervascular thyroid nodule
  120. When patients don’t care about their diabetes care
  121. Which of the following technologies do you prefer (and use primarily) for detecting new-onset choroidal neovascularization?
  122. Woman presents with binocular diplopia
  123. Woman with rheumatoid arthritis complains of left eye pain