Bojan Pajic, MD, PhD, FEBO
Usually we use glaucoma surgery in the early stages if we have doubts regarding patient compliance or if we combined glaucoma with cataract surgery. In those cases we prefer the high-frequency deep sclerectomy (HFDS) as a minimally invasive glaucoma surgery, which is our first-choice procedure. HFDS has many advantages in particular, a fast procedure time, high success rate and an effective IOP-lowering effect. There are rarely complications associated with HFDS. One of the benefits to this procedure is the fact that it is performed nasally or inferior, allowing the surgeon to intervene with another conventional glaucoma treatment at any time if further IOP-lowering effects are needed.
Bojan Pajic, MD, PhD, FEBO
Disclosures: Pajic has no relevant financial disclosures.