
March 31, 2011 Articles

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  1. ACTIONed announces new course series on electronic health records
  2. AHA releases statement on bariatric surgery, CV risk factors
  3. CDC investigates S. marcescens outbreak across six Alabama hospitals
  4. Educating physicians on current influenza recommendations may increase coverage rates
  5. Educating physicians on current influenza recommendations may increase coverage rates
  6. Electronic faucets more likely to be contaminated with high levels of bacteria
  7. FDA approves hyperopia application for excimer laser
  8. K2M receives CE Mark for two spinal systems
  9. New educational program for optometrists
  10. Ranibizumab yields 15-letter gain in VA in patients treated for DME, study shows
  11. Recommendations announced from the Meibomian Gland Dysfunction Workshop
  12. Reduced physician work hours did not adversely affect patient safety
  13. Study supports shockwave treatment as an effective option for Achilles tendinopathy
  14. Surgeons should consider coma aberrations prior to multifocal IOL surgery
  15. The right to appeal disappears: Where is the outrage?
  16. Tissue markers offer simple method for evaluating IOL rotation